Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An "Awesome" Craft

I signed myself up for the "Be Awesome" swap on craftster. The guideline? Just craft one awesome thing for your partner.

I was pretty stumped as to what to make until my partner sent me a message suggesting that I might make something that would provide magical inspiration. I sat myself down and made a list of things that inspire me and soon realized how many ordinary, everyday things were on that list. So, in the end I sent a wee magical house filled with everyday inspirations like ladybugs, stars and Popsicle sticks.



My partner is away for a few days but her package should be waiting for her when she arrives home. I'm so excited for her to get it. I'm really proud of this wee house and I hope she loves it to bits :)

P.S. For the curious, I did not make the house from scratch. It is a kit, the kind that you buy from a craft shop, that simply snaps together. It was great fun and I totally recommend giving it a try, once you get to the decorating it completely sucks you in.