Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sharing the wealth

Well, our plans to hit a bazillion garage sales this weekend was quashed by the weather. Don't feel too badly for us, the garden needed the rain. Besides, we also found a church sale! I love church sales. The strangest things show up at them. They are also tend to be VERY reasonable with their prices.

Besides a miniature dish for a quarter, and the framed print of Mary for 75 cents I picked up two big bags of vintage stamps for $2 a pop. That's a total splurge in my book... but absolutely worth it!

Anywho, I've got more stamps now than I'll ever use so I figured I'd share the wealth.

Soooo, if you follow this blog, or like Pixie Hill Studio on facebook, email your snail mail address to info(at)pixiehill(dot)com with "STAMPS PLEASE" in the subject line. It would be swell if you could comment here as well. I'll send some mess making stamps to the first 15ish people who reply.

And just in case you're worried... I cross my heart I won't share your info with anyone.
