Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Fairy Spying Spoon Wands with Tutuorial

I am in a bit of a tizzy today. I should have spent the day prepping and cleaning for this weekend's open house. (If you're near on Saturday, stop by, gimme a high five.) But instead I was lured away from the laundry and dusting by the fair folk. It's May Day, I should not be surprised.

Spoon Wands for Fairy Spying - Nichola Battilana pixiehill.com

So instead of the cleaning and the sorting and the organizing, I made fairy spying spoon wands. 

If you're not familiar with spoon wands, I totally swiped the idea from a child. His mum told me about how he was used a wooden spoon as a wand and I've been making my own ever since. 

Kids have the best ideas, and I do believe spoon wands are brilliant. I mean, something to stir and fold and mix and direct? That's exactly what I want a magical tool to do.

Spoon Wands for Fairy Spying - Nichola Battilana pixiehill.com

Today happens to be one of the very best days of the year to spy faeries, so I made some faerie spying wands... but there are soooo many possibilities here! 

Spoon Wands for Fairy Spying - Nichola Battilana pixiehill.com

Consider the magical properties of the colours you use. Add charms and bits of magic and whimsy. Incorporate knot magic! Embellish with runes and symbols to enhance your magical workings!

Or, you know, just make something cool as heck.

Jump over to my YouTube channel for all my tutorials and walkthroughs.