We've just had a lovely long weekend together. Playing and doing loads of nice things as a family makes going back to work very hard. There is so much more I'd rather be doing than sitting at my desk. When I'm not swamped at my 'day job' it does give me some time to become inspired by all of the wonderful stuff other people are doing. Here is a really swell link full of inspiration that I've stumbled across today...
Elemental Craft Blog
I seem to be quite sleepy lately and have let my creative midnight habits go by the wayside this past week or so, falling asleep with my wee one rather than keeping myself awake doing any sort of making. That said I've got a few things on the go and there are a number of ideas floating around in my head.
While I wait in frustration for my oil paintings to dry I've started making a few faerie portraits. I've based them on some old photographs that I bought off ebay a while ago. Here is the first done in watercolour and pencil crayon.
Next on my list is a rather large shrine... fingers crossed that I can find the perfect base for my mad creation :)