I grabbed some soapwort growing in the ditch across the road and gave them a quick rinse.
I filled up a big pot with water.
Tore the leaves, stems and roots into smaller bits and tossed them in the pot.
I brought the whole she-bang to a boil...
Then boiled it some more.
After about 10 minutes I took out some of the liquid.
Not very bubbly. Wonder what would happen if I gave it a shake...
Lovely foamy bubbles!
I strained the liquid into a bucket and added some water.
Just look at that!
At this point I added some essential oils to my floor wash (grapefruit, gerainium, sage and a drop or two of ylang ylang to encourage a happy household)...
which made all of the bubbles disappear but smelled an absolute treat.
Next time I will add herbs to the pot instead of using oils and hopefully keep that fantastic foam for just a little longer. The few minutes it took to prepare the wash was a nice way to focus on the magic at hand so I just might add this to my cleansing routine. If you want to give this a try, keep in mind that this is a very gentle cleanser, as a magical wash I think it will work very well, but for dirt and grime it's not exactly the bees knees.
FYI soapwort roots and stems can be dried for later use.