This morning these lovely things were left on the path leading down to the bus stop. I don't doubt for a moment that they are from the faerie folk here. The robins and sparrows were fluttering about and singing so happily yesterday that I am quite certain there was some sort of revelry going on last night.
It's a funny thing really because over the past few months I've been slowly working on a sister site for Knickertwist's... Pixie Hill.
Pixie Hill will be dedicated to faerie goodness and fostering creativity. It's really rough at the moment, and a bit of a mess, but in a week or so it should be up and running proper. I'll let you know when she's decent and ready for a peek :)
Anyway, part of the new site includes 'a journal of proof'. It will be a sort of record of the faerie sightings and magical activity that goes on here. I'm taking today's find as a sign to get the darned thing up and running already and have started the blogging here.
Hop on over and have a look at