Monday, January 07, 2013

Planning Ahead

Winter is just settling in but I'm already thinking ahead to May and June. I'm scheduling some events for the coming year and two things I'm really excited about are "A Walk Through the Woods" and "The Firefly Picnic".

In May we'll be hosting "A Walk Through the Woods", a hike through Proctor Provincial Park.
As we make our way through the woods we'll search for faerie hiding spots and signs of magical activity.
It should be great fun and a fabulous way to stir up a bit of inspiration.

Summer Solstice is a night full of magic and the perfect time for spying faeries.
This year we're celebrating by revealing the brand new faerie tour
and making merry on Pixie Hill with a night time picnic!

If you are planning a trip to Pixie Hill THIS is the event to attend.

We're limiting the number of participants for this event to 20.
So if you'd like to partake in the magic please register early.

It's going to be divine.

For more information on these events please visit the Pixie Hill website.


NOW, for my far-away friends I'm working on some online creativity workshops.
that will feed your creativity and help you push your work to the next level.
AND because I know that money is tight for so many right now,
I'll be offering a couple of free mini-workshops too.

Lack of funds should NEVER hinder your creative spirit.