Yeah, not so exciting... BUT WAIT! Some things are not as simple as they appear... THIS box is a Borrower's Box!
The box as it was made completely with stash, junk, and found or free objects.
(P.S. THANK YOU to all of my fabulous crafty patrons who send me stuff xoxo)
A bed made from an old sardine tin with a mossy pillow. The nightstand is a checker piece with bead feet.
The ladder is made from two old paintbrushes and matchsticks.
Notice the 'nerf' dart to the left? Yeah, there's about a zillion of them hiding all over my house.
A spool chair and a table made from a button and matchsticks.
(No wonder my bird feeder is empty. It's borrowers!)

The bottom floor is filled with necessary borrowing supplies like twine, pins, thumbtacks, birthday candles and, of course, super glue.
Here's an 'in progress' shot of that same area where you can see how it was built. The upper floors are made from an old game board that has been sliced up. The floor rests on clothespegs that have been taken apart. The springy part of the pegs were then bent and are now hooks for hanging things. And, you can also see the bottom floor has a cozy rug made from a burlap rice bag.
The only inkling that there's anything 'different' about this box is this tiny window on the back.
Other than that, all closed up, it's just a regular old shoe box.
Now, what to do with that box?
Should I put it up for auction to raise fund for the Pixie Project?
(although shipping the thing scares the bejezus out of me)
Abandon it for my local library, with a note that it should be kept in their childrens section?
(Our library is TINY... itty bitty even! I don't think it would incur too much damage.)
Any other ideas? Comment below.
There's a poll on the top right of the page. Vote away!
Now, what to do with that box?
Should I put it up for auction to raise fund for the Pixie Project?
(although shipping the thing scares the bejezus out of me)
Abandon it for my local library, with a note that it should be kept in their childrens section?
(Our library is TINY... itty bitty even! I don't think it would incur too much damage.)
Any other ideas? Comment below.
There's a poll on the top right of the page. Vote away!