You know those people who complain about the cold in winter and long for hot summery days? I'm not one of them. I'll take the cold over this hot humid sticky mess any day of the week. To make matters worse my husband likes to wait until we are all in absolute drippy misery before turning the a/c on. Last night I said I would no longer be cooking until the heat wave broke... the air went on soon after.

As much as I dislike the heat, there are some very nice things about summer. Bright and breezy days, sitting by the pool, trips to the beach, camping under the stars and firefly shows... they are all rather splendid.
I created this summery beach bunting for Alpha Stamps. It reminds me of the sweet and cheery things that I do like about summer. and looks pretty darned cute hanging on my mantle ;)
Here's a better look at each of the pieces...
Alpha Stamps is currently offering a Heat Wave Beach Sale and a giveaway too boot so hop over and try your luck. AND while you are there look at those little treasure chests! I'm just a little jealous I didn't get one in my design team package :)
Stay cool!