While tinkering and making I often watch movies. I'm not entirely engrossed in what is playing, but they provide a bit of pleasant background chatter and give me a sense of time. If it weren't for the endings I would lose myself entirely in my making and forget to stretch at lunch time and make dinner at the end of the day.
One of the films I watch frequently is "Stardust". It's not actually one of my most favourite films but, for some reason, it always results in incredible productivity. Who am I to argue with results?
One of the things I DO like in the film are the Sky Pirates. What a magnificent idea! A band of cloud rovers collecting lightening. The papers in this months Alpha Stamps kit: Vintage Voyage inspired me to create my own version of a Sky Pirate ship.

I'm hoping to make several in varrying sizes, an entire fleet, to suspend from the ceiling in my studio.
Those beautiful little Brass Anchor Charms and Brass Ship Wheel give the perfect finishing touches.
A bit of jute twine wrapped around Wood Mini Spools are the perfect on-deck accessory.
The 1/8 Inch Wooden Dowels provide an excellent mast for hoisting paper sails.
The lovely curvy sails are my favourite part of this little boat. I'd love to make another with three times as many!
Be certain to visit Alpha Stamps for more inspiration :)