Things have been a bit quiet around here, but I have been making stuff. I'm in the middle of a few paintings, a coven of dolls, and a tin too. Phew!
While all that puttering and painting has been going on, I was inspired to make some Valentines cards by the Badlands twitterer, and scientists who are taking up the cause to defend scientific research and fact.
Repeatedly confirmed,
holds up under evidence based peer review,
and never refuted...
It's a fact, I love you.
They're funny, not funny. I'm ok with that. A lot of things seem to be like that these days.
My desire burns like gasoline.
Dirty, with lingering effects.
If you're interested in the papers I used, they from various Graphic 45 collections. I just sort of pillaged my paper drawers for something Valentineish (I know, I'm totally helpful.)
You're like the global climate.
You get hotter every year.
Anyway my lovelies, stay sane and safe. I do love you.
Really! I love YOU to bits and pieces!
Also, if you are so inclined, there is Scientists March on Washington in the works.