Friday, August 16, 2019

Messy Little Words of Wisdom Books

I've made a big batch of little books using the free "Words of Wisdom" sheet I posted the other week. 

You can make your own hardcover books by following my video tutorial found HERE. I've increased the size so that the finished books are 1.5" x 2" They aren't quite so micro as the the tutorial, but still tiny enough to put them in your pocket.

Inside I've added a jumble of stamps and sploshes and scribbles. There's really no rhyme or reason, it's all just playing and experimenting.

Most of these books will be tied with ribbon and abandoned for stranger to find.

I like the idea of these messages finding their way to just the right people when they need to hear them.

I also like the idea of sending wishes and hopes and thoughts out into the world. Setting them free. Creating something and letting it go.

 And remember....

 Have a great weekend lovely people <3 p="">