Thursday, October 19, 2023

Halloweeny: 1 Matchbox, 9 Clovers and a Very Strange Day

What a strange morning!

Took the dog for an extra long walk today and found a whole bouquet worth of four leaf clovers. Just kept finding one after another. Eight four leaf and one five leaf in total.

Continued on our walk when the pooch spied a squirrel... annnndddd he was off like a shot. Nooooo! He ran down a steep wooded hill and I stood shouting from the top. Nope, jerk face was not listening. I took my clumsy life into my hands and started to descend the steep af hill. A few feet down and I spied a little bum sticking up out of leaves. It was a god damn gnome! At that moment the dog suddenly took notice of me and came trotting up the hill, pleased as punch.

You can think what you like, but I'm certain Mr. Gnome sent that squirrel to alert a rescue party. Of course I brought him home and I'm pleased to report he's now safe and convalescing nicely. Lu, my beast, is napping from all the excitement.

And now, on to the matchbox...

Rummaging through my work space yesterday and came across some cute Halloween stuff in my stash. While waiting for glue and paint to dry on other projects, I tossed this cute wee spooky matchbox together.

Is it mad creative and an example of fine crafting skills? No. Not in the least.

Is it adorable and does it make me smile? Fuck yeah!

Hope your day is weird and filled with wonder too xo