What is this lowly little mushroom? Well, I was lucky enough to squeeze in to the Art House Co-op "Mystery Project". I was sent a surprise prompt and a Prismacolor marker and then set out to make a bit of public art.
My prompt was "If tomorrow came yesterday" and my marker was a sort of brown.... hmmm. What to do!?!?! Panic! Fret! When I finished over reacting, I wrote a nonsense poem with the given theme in mind.
The poems became the stems for the mushrooms/toadstools.
The last step? Hiding those wee things for strangers to find! The one pictured below is sitting outside of the YMCA in Trenton, Ontario. The rest will be hidden all over Brighton this week :)
P.S. Happy mother's to all the great mamma's out there! Hope your tomorrow is grand :)