Tuesday, October 22, 2013


So I tossed another bunch of clay bits into the fire pit. Here's the haul that came out...

Notice how every piece is fine and dandy except for the nice moon face at the bottom... the ONE piece I would have like to have survived. Such is life. *sigh*

I AM happy that those lovely bits at the top left came out unscathed because little hands made them! Here's a better look at what young visitors created when they popped by the studio the other week...

I love the work kids create. Perhaps because it's made with interest and excitement and not toward some unrealistic end. Kids, generally, get true joy from the process of making.

Finally, all those little squares on the bottom left corner are this little city of houses. They are currently standing at attention on my kitchen table waiting for some arty affection. I think they are rather nice lined up in neat little rows. Perhaps they need a town to call their own.

Oh! One last little note. There are three new large mandrakes available in the etsy shop...

 ... and a handful of brand new mini mandrakes too!

Two mornings of inspiration

I was distracted yesterday by the absolute abysmal functioning of facebook and did not post the morning inspiration. Here is the delayed photography:

It is quite true that I have encountered many friendly slugs recently. A quick search of their symbolism and qualities as a totem revealed that they assist us in letting go of the gunk we carry. They also encourage reflection of the mysteries around us.

Today's inspiration come from our vegetable garden. Strewn across the soil are all of the tomatoes that did not make it into our sauces, salsas, salads or baskets and bags to friends and neighbours. I am sure that the birds, bees and other winged things will enjoy a little harvest party with them before we clean them up and pop them in the compost heap where they will feed next years spoils.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Into dreams

"Into dreams" Mixed media collage on canvas measuring approx 6" x 12". 

A new piece created for the Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre in Northumberland. They are hosting  their 30th anniversary art auction on November 8th. Details for the event are available HERE.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Twinkle-Twinkle Mother Goose Box

An inexpensive box gussied up and made pretty as can be with the Mother Goose collection. This piece would be very cute in a nursery or child's room. Even better, this box would be a great way to package a sentimental shower gift. The colours in this collection are fabulous and just exude sweet childhood joy. I especially like that the pallet is gender neutral and would be entirely appropriate for all little ones
You can check out more photos on the Graphic 45 blog (along with more sneak peeks of 'Couture'), and if you'd like to create your own, here's the supply list:

Graphic 45 Mother Goose Collection
Mother Goose
Graphic 45 Staples
Plain Wooden Chest
May Arts Ribbons
Black Glitter
Paperclay Moon

Morning Inspiration 10.18.13

I love mushrooms (and toadstools and fungus and lichen). Funny, I'm not a big fan of mushroom soup... although I did once have a delicious bowl at very fancy dinner party. It's really not their flavour that grabs me. It's how they grow. They pop up, seemingly suddenly, anywhere they like. They are yellow, white, red, purple and brown. They are smooth and soft, gelatinous, poisonous. They grown in lines and circles and clumps. And then they wither back into the earth, as magically as they arrived.

I am certain that this particular mushroom MUST taste like flakes of white chocolate that crumble and melt on your tongue. Don't worry, I am not nearly brave enough to taste it.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Instacraft - A Review

So I was contacted about reviewing a craft book. This book:

InstaCraft: Fun and Simple Projects for Adorable Gifts, Decor, and More [Paperback]  
Alison Caporimo , Meera Lee Patel

It's a cute book. The format is interesting. A full page, full bleed, photo on the left and simple supplies and directions on the right. There is nothing so complex in this book that it requires more than a single page of direction.

Projects are divided by categories: Spray, Cut & Hang, Write & Paint, Pin & Fold, Tape & Glue, Dip and Stamp.

There are some really cute projects in the book. The Checkmate Chess Jars above are adorable. Then again, there were a few projects that left me scratching my head. A ball of twine spray painted gold? Really?

The crafts included in InstaCraft were a little too simple for my crafty-self but I can see them appealing to those who just want to craft on a whim and have an hour to kill. The skill set for the projects in this book would be beginner level and many could be adapted for tween crafting. (Go! Go! Crafty kids!)

Overall, it's a pretty book with very simple crafts for people with limited time/skills. Those who are a little more skilled may find it more useful as an inspiration, to spark ideas and go on to create greater things than the projects within.

Now that I've given you the down and dirty, Ulysses Press was kind enough to send an extra copy for me to give away! Just leave a comment below and a winner will be randomly selected next Friday, October 25th!

International entries are welcome (just be aware that it could take AGES for your prize to arrive). ONE entry per person please AND please be sure that I can contact  you.

P.S. Another copy is available on the Pixie Hill facebook page, so hop over there for a second chance to win!

Morning Inspiration 10.17.13

This is the Schwab - Gilbert Hideaway. Every day I place it on a stump near the old Troll hole. Every day it gets knocked down. I suspect our Troll is displeased.

The Troll hole was abandoned when the tall Black Locust tree above it was struck by lightening and had to be chopped down. Half of that tree is still standing but entrance to the dirt cave below is blocked by giant logs from the felled portion. Almost immediately after our poor Troll was forced from his home, a snake moved in. Not a nice snake who looks after the place in Troll's absence. A horrible snake who has eaten at least one of our toads!

Our Troll is not impressed.

Rebuilding a home for our dear Troll must be moved up the priority on our to-do list.