Monday, September 03, 2007

The Sad Truth About Bargain Hunting

As a proud member of I have quickly become obsessed with craft swaps. Basically you find a topic that interests you, get a partner to swap crafts with, and end up with a load of great handmade items.

At the moment I am signed up for a "Bargain Hunter Swap". I have $5 to make my partner something wonderful and pad out the package buying treats with the leftover moolah. It's pretty amazing how far you can make money go if you have the time, and are willing to put in the effort. It's a fun swap with little financial obligation.

One of the reasons I joined this swap is my love of finding treasure in second hand and junk shops. While on the hunt for swap items I have found loads of great things that I have picked up for myself (a bookshelf, sewing basket, pirate mug, frames, books, puzzles, games) but have to find a treasure for my partner.

Searching through all that stuff can sometimes be pretty depressing. It never fails to shock me when I see an item that has been signed "With Love, from Grandma". This past weekend I found a great little nick-knack shelf that had the following written on the back "To my wonderful father. I (heart) you so much. Lots of Love. Fathers Day '03" It breaks my heart to think that someone just tossed that away. I know you can't keep everything (I have every little bit that my son has ever made or given me and it's reaching ridiculous proportions.) but how do items from Grandma make it into the trash heap? I can't imagine.

Ah well, the shelf is getting a new life. Funny thing about timing ... I just happened to find a 50 cent piece that my own father (whom I haven't had a relationship with in over 16 years) gave me when I was young. I'm going to include it in my little creation. The pic above is the work in progress ...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cleaning House

I've been cleaning like a mad woman this evening. In my mind, if I can just manage to get my house sorted I'll somehow gain a few hours a day, my life will run more smoothly and all will be well with the world.

I really, honestly and truly believe that cleaning your house can do wonders for your life magickally. It's sort of like fluid meditation ... does that make any sense? So many people want to get rid of the negativity around them but so few think to start with actually cleaning the clutter around them. In no way shape or form is the Knickertwist household a model of cleanliness, but sometimes a good cleaning can give you just the boost you need to get things flowing your way.

In addition to cleaning I've managed to finish a quilt for the newest member of the brood as well as a Fairy Godmother shadow box for the wee lass. (see above)

I went a tad crazy and did in fact buy a boatload of shadow boxes to paint. I just know if I didn't grab them up that there would be none left when I needed another. Now if I can just find the time to make them!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Shadow Boxes and Fairy Godmothers

Here are my latest works. I'm sort of obsessed with the idea of shadow boxes and shrines. At the moment I have three more waiting to be completed and I'm off to buy a slew of blank boxes today to be sure that I don't run out before my obsession does.

I usually start with an idea, theme or look I want to achieve but I'm often surprised that my work decides differently and chooses it's own fate. Hmmm, next time I will show the progression of one of my little works and you will see how clearly I allow my art to run in whatever direction it chooses. It must be like how some writers claim their chacters pop into their heads fully formed, chart thier own destiny.

Speaking of characters. I've also made these three little ladies. Mister K found the frames at a local thrift shop and they've been hanging around the house waiting for something to do. I liked the idea of doing a triptic (I love things in groups ... especially groups of three) but nothing seemed to fit. Then after a new baby arrived in the family I began to think of godmothers. Fairy godmothers are some of my favourite "people". I just love the whole idea of them. Anywho, here are my three lovely ladies.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I've been neglecting the 'business' terribly but I have to say that it's been nice to create simply because an idea strikes. I believe that action breeds inspiration. The more I do, the more I want to do, the more rapidly the ideas flow and churn and develop.

There are some people that just seem magickal to me. There are people who may not be witchy in the least, might not believe in any sort of god or magick, but turn my thoughts to faeries, pixie dust, la luna, other realms and make-believe. Kate Bush, Stevie Nicks, Nina Simone, Chet Baker, Tom Waits, Nick Cave, Vivaldi, Fellini, Artemisia Gentileschi, Klimt, Waterhouse, Pee Wee Herman (yes I said Pee Wee) ... all of these people inspire me. These people have awakened something inside my head (and heart) that needed a nudge.

It's one thing to be inspired by creative people but sometimes just looking faces from another era can be inspiration enough. I've been looking at photographs to use as studies for several paintings I'm working on and it's really quite interesting picking out which people would make good faerie godmothers or which ones would be best suited to the job of wizard. Some faces just scream "Look at me! I want to be a wizard! Pick me! Pick me!" and others glare out of the photograph "Don't you dare even think of working your funny business with me."

I love being inspired. Thank the gods there are so many creative souls and sources of beauty and enchantment!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Happy Lammas!

We, as a pagan family, don't celebrate every festival of the Wheel of the Year. While we do celebrate Yule, Halloween, May Day, Midsummer and the Autumn Equinox, Lammas is not one of those festivals that we are drawn to. Generally those days that we do celebrate hold some sort of deep meaning for us and make sense for us celebrate.

Lammas is a celebration marking the beginning of the harvest season. The harvest is a very important time of year for the Knickertwist family. Mister K. is a winemaker and the harvest quite literally rules our lives for approximately two months of the year. Everything revolves around the grape harvest and making wine from mid-September until ... well, until the job is done. While Lammas marks the begining of the harvest for some, for us the Autumnal Equinox truly means that the harvest is upon us.

While we may not share in this celebration I hope that all of you who DO hold today as a special occation are blessed with all the goodness the harvests brings.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hurray for babies!

My cousin welcomed a new baby girl into the world just a few short hours ago. Getting news of a new baby is lovely.

And so I've been sitting here thinking about the great stuff in store for her and how wonderfully changed our lives were once our little master arrived. Growing your own family is just about the best thing that I can imagine doing. All of the ups and downs, the tears and especially the laughter ... it's so ... worthwhile.

Congratulations, brightest baby blessings, and welcome to the world baby Olivia Kay.

Monday, July 30, 2007

On our way ...

We've taken a break from Knickertwist's over the past few months. It's been a time to reflect on what direction we want to take our business, to enjoy some family time before the wee fella starts 'big boy' school, and a time to create simply for the enjoyment of it. It's been a nice break but we really do want to get down to business making the best items we can for those that follow a pagan path.


In October we will be taking part in Haunted Hamilton's Gothic Gala. The missus is set to participate as one of the 'readers' at the event and is very excited. The folks over at Haunted Hamilton are some of the nicest people around and we are flattered that they have asked us to take part.

We are also considering running a "Tea Reading for Beginnners" workshop in late October or early November. The cost will be minimal and spaces limited. If you would like to be invited to this event please email us directly. Your email will never be shared or sold with anyone for any reason.