Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tarot party anyone?

Although I was completely drained after doing the readings at the Gothic Gala I'm itching to do some more. I'm thinking of organizing a "tarot" party for early to mid November. What I have in mind is just getting a few people together to do readings, having some warm cider, conversation and a few nibbles to share. Nothing big, just a little gathering of people interested in this sort of thing. So, if you live in the Hamilton area and would be interested (especially if you are interested in getting in some practice doing your own readings) send me an email and I'll work on the details.

Missus K.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Readings, readings and more readings

I am totally wiped out.

Last night I attended Haunted Hamilton's Gothic Gala where I did short readings from about 8pm till almost 11pm. I have never read so many people in such a short time span. It was one person right after another, non-stop (except during the performances) and when I had to finish up to prepare for the seance there were still people waiting to be read. I really felt badly for those that had been waiting but all of the readers were all totally drained by that time. One of the other girls had counted reading over 30 people in the three hours.

It's funny reading people. Last night there were a few that came to my table and I just couldn't do it. I felt like the stones/cards weren't saying anything at all to me. Then others had readings that told an entire story. If nothing showed up in a private reading then I'd simply give back the person's money, in this situation it's just plug away and do your best to come up with something satisfactory.

There was a stone the kept coming up last night that basically means death and all things terrible. I was starting to think that everyone in the room was cursed or that we'd be struck by lightening but then I thought that perhaps it was something else so I ignored it during the readings. During the actual seance one of the girls felt some nastiness within our protected circle. A few of us went over and the general consensus was that some negativity had slipped through. It was strange walking to the spot that they directed. There was a feeling of pressure like being underwater. A few people felt ill, some needed to sit, one girl was almost in tears, we did hear some whispering but unfortunately there were no raps on the table, or bumps from the attic.

It was a fun night and I had a great time doing the readings but today I am tired and would kill for a nap.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

It's October Already?!?

I cannot believe that October has snuck up on us so quickly. I realized today that I need to get cracking on spreading the Halloween love and decorate the Knickertwist house! Last year I did the silhouette window pictured above. It was a great effect and very inexpensive. I'd love to do it again... I just need to find the right 'theme'. I think it may need more witches stirring their brew and some green lighting for effect. I'll post pics of our haunt once I spookify the joint.
P.S. I see that I never let you all know how little D's school/care worked out. Our daycare agreed to have one of the other daycare workers pick the wee fella up on time and get him safely back to daycare. What a load off our minds that was! There are still a few kinks but we'll work it out. We are a fortunate family.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Wizard No. 2 is done!

I'm so glad that this painting is done. I'm pretty happy with it although it makes me wish that I could spend my days painting instead of fitting in time here and there. *sigh*

Friday, September 28, 2007

Wizard Portrait

I did my first wizard portrait a short while ago for a Harry Potter swap on craftster.org (click here to see the original). It was small, and the painting came together quickly ~ I was rather pleased with myself. I'm now in the middle of wizard portrait no. 2 and this time it's a little more nerve wracking. The first time around it was for a stranger and there were no expectations. This time around, not only do I know the person I'm trading with, but he's one of my favourite people ever... and his wife is an artist. Ug.

So far I'm pretty happy with how things are going... I only hope that the recipient will be pleased with the end result.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I feel like I can finally sit still (though I probably shouldn't). There are still loads of things to do but at least there isn't anything pressing at the moment. Things still seem a bit 'off' around the house but I haven't had a chance to truly cleanse it yet as I've been waiting for my batch of 4 Thieves Vinegar to cure.

In the meantime I have been busy making stuff...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thank the Goddess for Sewing Machines

Things have been super busy around the Knickertwist house. There aren't enough hours in the day. Seriously! If there were some way I could wave my wand, add a few hours here and there, and perhaps have my mop clean the floors by itself, I'd be set. Unfortunately I haven't found that secret just yet.

Mister Knickertwist has been hijacked by his job... the grape harvest has begun. This means that he's gone long before I drag myself out of bed and doesn't get home until 8pm. It's not nice. Add to this all the other things that life throws your way and there isn't much time to do anything. Sometimes you need to make time for what's really important.

Little master D had a dress up birthday bash to attend this past Saturday. The theme was fairy's and princesses but since he's a fella we decided that perhaps an elf would be a more suitable costume. Time slipped away (as it always does) and before I knew it it was Friday and there was still no costume. I had a commitment for Friday evening but I decided that I'd cut that short and race home to get to the making. I was home shortly after 10, put the kiddo to bed, then jumped up and ran to the sewing machine.

I love my sewing machine. I know it's wrong to love 'things' but I really do love Bessy (that's the name I've given my beautious machine). I remember sewing items by hand in the past... now I can't imagine life without my wonderous machine. In no time at all I'd managed to wrangle a costume out of my fabric stash. It looks a bit "Robin Hood" but since he started out as "Robin Goodfellow", a wood sprite, I'm satisfied. I did make a set of ears to attach to the hat, unfortunately the hot glue didn't like the materials I used and the plain old white glue hadn't dried in time for the party. Ah well, you can't win them all.