Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Potter goodness and Elves!

Woo hoo! I've finished putting together a Harry Potter package for the craftster Back to Hogwarts rnd 2 Swap. I'm really proud of it and I can't wait to show it off... but that have to wait until my lovely partner receives.

In the meantime... more strangeness from life on the Hill.

The kidlet went wandering yesterday. I sent him out with a camera and a walkie-talkie to snap some photos for our upcoming show in two weeks (yikes!). After a short while I heard the blip of the walkie talkie and then...

Mum! Mum! I found something but you CAN'T use if for your crafting! Come out and see!

This is what he found...

Isn't it fantastic?! It's quite small, maybe 5" long, and utterly beautiful and gloriously mossy.

I've been quite sure where the faeries, pixies and goblins reside on our hilly acres and now I know just where the elves live too.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Beans and Fidgets

Please excuse the sort of double post but I figured a magic bean was worth it :)

I found this on my driveway yesterday. It occurred to me that finding a bean really says a lot about a person.

Do you look down and shrug 'so what?'

Do you see the bean and think 'I wonder who dropped that?'

Perhaps you look up to the sky and say 'probably dropped by some damned bird'

Or, if you're anything like me, you are absolutely the type of person who believes wholeheartedly that this MUST be a magic bean deliberately left near your right foot by some cheeky imp who knows for certain you will plant it in the ground next year in an attempt to grow a beanstalk.

I know just which one you are :)

Anywho, I've still no finished work to show off. Today is making day so hopefully tomorrow will bring some shiny new photos. In the meantime here are some wee faces (excuse the poor light).

I made these at the craft fair the other weekend. The fidgeting seemed to distract me just enough to not be so nervous socially. I just might have to keep some poly clay in my purse for my next nerve wreaking social situation.

I might turn these fellows into moons but I'm not sure yet. I sort of like how they get progressively grumpier. The second last one looks truly disgusted by something :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mushrooms and a sexxy wip

I spent the morning take pics of all the mushrooms growing on our property. We've got at least two fairy circles that are starting to take shape and a bunch of little groups popping up. Much to my husbands delight there are also a few giant puffballs growing. They look like lovely giant moons resting on the ground.

Another surprise I'm sure was planted by the fairy folk - our foxglove and bergamot are blooming again!

You can see more pics here.

I've got a load of stuff on the go right now but it's for a swap so I can't really show it off just yet. Instead I'll leave you with this fellow...

He's been sitting on the shelf for quite a while but is slowly making his way back onto the 'to-do' list. I won't show him all because his arms are terrible and I'm quite ashamed of them :P That said, his legs are fairly manly and he's got a lovely trail of chest hair leading down to his black briefs. He's a bit too sexxy for his own good and is getting quite cocky. I'm not exactly sure where this fellow is headed but I'm thinking he might be a swashbuckling steampunky adventure type. What do you think?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Twitter Hilarity... not really

Folks, if you see this message on your twitter "When I saw this about you i could not stop laughing haha..." PLEASE ignore it! It is not a personal message it is a phishing scam.

The Mottled Bottle and New Listings

I've spent the morning being frustrated.

I hate photographing glass, through glass, near glassy things... really anything to do with the shiny glaring stuff. My photo's are turning out like poo today.


Gah! It's just so small that the camera is picking up the stupid slight mottle on the bottle.

Really, to look at these in real life you can't see it at all. Unfortunately it doesn't do any good to say "Don't worry, it's prettier in real life." when you're trying to sell something online.

I'll have another try tomorrow.

I did get some better shots of the fairy godmother dolls, their personalities are all sorted, and they've been listed in my etsy. Here are some of the new glamour shots.

Mary Primm specialty is keeping teapots warm and is especially good at the minding of manners.

Amelia Chimchinny is especially good at watching over adventurers and daydreamers.
One of her specialties is helping to fulfill destinies.

Isn't that background fantastic?! We bought an old trunk at a yard sale for $5!  FIVE DOLLARS! It's really wonderful and just the right amount of beat up :)

I've also listed some new fairy cupboards on my etsy.

This one in chocked full of little whimsies and is a tad sparkly.
It has a real old skeleton key sitting on top!

It is listed here.

I've also listed this little sewing cupboard filled with things for crafty fairy folk.

It's listed here.

We're going to start holding workshops at our wee Pixie Hill studio and I'm pretty certain that the first one will be a 2 day workshop doing these little cupboards. What fun would it be to work on tiny things with other crazy creative types? I'm really pretty excited about it :)

Anywho, enough bombardment from me today. Keep your fingers crossed for better photo success tomorrow.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Chipping away....

VERY slowly the studio is starting to take shape. The goal is that by the time our open house rolls around this place is going to look like a Yuletide wonderland. I know it's ages away but I'm pretty darned excited about it. Here is the sneakiest of peeks....

We did a craft show this past weekend and the feedback was amazing. I can't begin to tell you how awesome it is to have stern looking little old ladies melt into happy puddles right in front of you. The gal at the Journey Through the Arts Gallery said the feedback there has been absolutely fantastic too. It makes my heart happy.

There's a new make-a-mess prompt over at my Pixie Hill Studio blog. This week we're making a mess for a stranger! Hop over and check it out...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Shadow Boxes

A couple of pieces I finished up last night. I'll be taking these over to the Journey Through the Arts gallery later today.

I can't believe how much work I've managed to get done this week. There's a bazillion lose ends that need to be tied up, and my house is a complete disaster (I'm actually sort of ashamed of the mess in my studio right now!) but I've had a grand time spending the week just creating and ignoring the dishes.

If you ever have the opportunity to spend a week just making stuff, I highly recommend it. It's good for the soul  :)