Thursday, February 09, 2012

Another moon... THAT GLOWS IN THE DARK!

Let me say that this shrine has been the biggest pain in the bum in the whole wide world.


I wasn't planning on putting the mice into this shrine but they hopped in anyway. They must been keen on adventure because at one point, when trying to clean up some excess glitter, the large one decided to jump up the vacuum hose! I won't even get started on the other ordeals with the glue, the pins or the glowwy paint... let's just say that I'm glad this one is done :)

Now listed on etsy

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Spring is in the air... time to spy faerie folk!

I don't mind winter but this crazy weather has me longing for spring. I can't wait until everything starts growing, the earth gets squishy and muddy, and the faerie folk come out of hiding. (I think they are getting a bit fed up of the weather too, they've been quite active lately.)

With that in mind, here is a new faerie spying spoon wand I just finished up.

I think that this is one of my very favourites that I've done. I really like that it sort of looks rather primitive, or that perhaps it might have belonged to one of the lost boys of Peter Pan.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

A Pumpkin Farm

I've been working like mad over the past couple of days. Loads of stuff "in-progress" at the moment, and hopefully a flurry of posts with wonderful stuff coming up. I finished this little shrine up this afternoon.

I used some of lovely little pumpkins that the fab rackycoo from craftster kindly sent my way. I think it rather looks like a little pumpkin farm :)

Available in the etsy shop HERE

Monday, February 06, 2012


I bought a bunch of canvas'.

They've been staring at me. Taunting me. Waiting for me to do something with them.

I've completed one painting and have two more that are well on their way.  This one is 12" squared, acrylic on canvas (available here).

What I'm really looking forward to (and dreading at the same time) is tackling the two xxl canvas' that I have sitting, waiting, for me jump on. Now, if only inspiration would knock me upside the head...

Friday, February 03, 2012

Did I mention...

Did I mention I won a little design competition? I did!

Here's the logo...
The Gates At Presqu'ile will be an arts centre for our wee town of Brighton. The building is located at 240 Presquile Parkway, just outside the gates of our beautiful provincial park, where an old mini-putt golf course was once located. 

I know it sounds a bit hokey, but it really is thrilling to be involved in a growing arts community like the one here. I couldn't have landed in a better spot if I tried :) 

Hey, I even got a nice little mention in the local paper for my win... but I will save you the horror of seeing my goofy double chinned photo :P

It's a PA day today and Big D has his friend over. They're skating on our homemade rink behind the chicken coop at the moment but we have big plans to make a miniature cardboard hockey rink this afternoon.Until then I'll savour the peace and quiet while they're outside.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

A cold & more specimens

My husband shared his germs with me and they've done me in. I'm a sad sort of wreck at the moment, all sniffly, achey, and feeling generally out of sorts and all kinds of Blah!

Despite being sick I've finished up a rather large batch of faerie specimens under glass. I've got the first lot up on esty and will post more over the next week or so.

I think my favourite part of making these is coming up with the different stories for the specimen labels. This set includes the following:
No. 008.12 - Discovered one Tuesday in my sewing box. (Must secure the lid from now on!)
No. 016.12 - Noticed growing at the very back of the top desk drawer in the upstairs library.
No. 014.12 - Unearthed beneath a pile of odd socks sitting next to the washing machine.

It's a nice little exercise in creative thinking coming up with the one line stories. I highly recommend it :)

I'm off to vegetate on the couch and think about all the things I should be doing. I think watching an old movie and napping will probably do me better than housework this afternoon. I'll leave you with a lovely photo of the our lovely crooked house taken this past weekend when the world was fluffy and white. 

*dreamy sigh*

Friday, January 27, 2012

A no snow, snow day

I mentioned the wacky weather yesterday. Today we have a snow day with no snow.  There are no school buses running anywhere near us today. Here's why...

Doesn't look too bad. Until you take a closer look...


Everything is covered in ice. And I do mean every, single, thing. Every little blade of grass.

That may not look like too much to worry about until you realize that means every road is covered in a fine layer of slippery wet ice too. Add to that mix the crazy hilly nature of the land, a few insane drivers and you've got a disaster waiting to happen. Thank the heavens for the transportation gods who decided our kids were safer at home today.

Heck, even the dog was sliding about as he was trying to preform his morning 'ritual'. lol

Maybe, just maybe, I can convince D to join me in a bit of painting today... though I won't hold my breath.