Saturday, December 04, 2010

The Cookie Monster

My husband goes crazy every year. He gets this strange gleam in his eye and a little twitch at the side of his mouth... he's thinking about the cookies. The first week of December he'll hand me a list of 25+ different types of cookies, with the name of the cook book and the page number beside each one. He puts little stars beside the ones he most wants. He's insane.

I usually make about 12 different types and get a load of grief about the ones that don't make it into the oven. I get even more grief if certain ones don't get made. Biscotti, shortbread, thumbprint, black diamonds, chocolate mocha truffles, rum balls are absolutely necessary in order to have a happy holiday (according to my husband). Sometimes I think I'll never hear the end about the one year made regular brownies dipped in chocolate rather than the "Black Diamonds" (really, they are practically the same damned thing).

The crazy has started again this year. I made homemade fruit cakes AGES ago and when I peeked at them the other day they looked, and smelled a total treat. Today I made these...

Lemon Baubles from Canadian Living magazine.  They are so super cute and are pretty yummy too. I just hope that all my cookies turn out as well or I'll have a crazy, angry cookie monster to contend with and very likely get blamed for ruining Christmas :) LOL

Friday, December 03, 2010

Our morning ride down the hill to the school bus :)

I'm Alive! It's December! And SNOW!

Well friends, I made it through the dental ordeal! I was absolutely certain that they were going to kill me (no joke) but after a triple dose of pills and some very lovely gas I didn't really care much. I don't remember a hell of a lot of that day (or the next) but I do remember complaining about the needle. Damn I hate those things! Christ, even when drugged to high heaven they hurt like hell.

On a much more positive note it snowed here the other day. Whenever I see snow falling I am quite certain that magic is real :) It's just so damned gorgeous.

The kidlet was over-joyed and took full advantage of his own private tobaggan hill. The snow was still there this morning and we both rode down the hill to the school bus stop. How fantastic is that? It was even better than a morning dip in the pool.

I'm feeling super excited about Christmas this year and have started chipping away at the madess. Cleaning, making, baking... there's so much to do, but it will all be worth it. I've even squeezed in an extra Christmas craft and entered the craftster Chronicle Your Holiday! Challenge Using the flower and square box templates found on that page I made this...

A papery Christmas tree full of glitter and fake snow... ahhhh, glitter. See more here 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bearded Gal Take 2... make that 3

I wasn't overly pleased with my last bearded lady attempt (or the one before that). I'm convinced that some canvas' just don't want to be painted upon no matter how much I try to force the paint where I want it to go *sigh* So I unwrapped a new canvas and started over. Third time's a charm right? Much better results I think :)

Acrylic 16" x 20"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fear and Loathing

Have I ever told you I hate the dentist?

I do.


I hate everything about the dentist; the smells, the sounds, the pain, the anxiety, the spit, the pressure, the pulling, the prodding, the chair, the magazines, the light, the xrays, the gleam of those horrible little instruments, and those disapproving little noises the dentist makes.

Hate. Every. Last. Bit.

My history with dentists is not a good one. I've had a number of experiences with them that I would classify as traumatic. Add the costs of dental care and Ta Da! You've got a gal who gets worked up over the mere thought of the dental chair.

It's been embarrassingly long since I've let one of those evil bastards near me but I'm finally going to get a load of work done this Friday. My kidlet has an appointment the same day and will brave those masochists simply with a smile. I, on the other hand, will be heavily sedated in another room to prevent my running out of the building in fear or biting the dentists finger clean off.

So, if it's quiet around here over the next wee while it's because I'm either busy working myself up into a anxious frenzy, in a fuzzy state from the drugs, or feeling sorry for myself as I recover from wisdom tooth removal.

Wish me luck! (I think I'll need it.)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Star gazing

I've been working on the wee house I shouldn't be working on. How can I help myself?!? If I have a grand idea that's itching to get out I have to act, least I forget.

Specifically I've been working on one room in particular. An observatory!

It's not quite there but it's on the way and I'm really pleased so far.

To give you an idea of scale... that pencil is the end of a toothpick and those fancy gears are from a wrist watch.

I really should be working on swap and Christmas stuff. *sigh*

Friday, November 19, 2010

Christmas Baby Wishes

So my very good friend whom I have known forever and ever is expecting his first baby. His gal pal is due on Christmas day and I'm terribly excited for them. The very last elf is for them.

Unfortunately I can't make it down for the baby shower so this gal will be going and bestowing wishes in my place. She has a lot of grand things in store for the wee thing so she'll keep them safe until the time comes.

Our dear little elf is holding on to a heart of gold, pearls of wisdom, a green thumb, a head full of wonder and even a little cow bell (more cow bell!).

(Striped socks, pointed toes and bells are all part of the elfin uniform.)