Friday, November 01, 2013

Good Morning: Wind

It used to be that I thought wind was invigorating. To stand against it and feel it pushing back. To have mother nature arrange my hair. In my mind, it was wild and free.

When you live with old creaking trees nearby it becomes something altogether different. It's fierce and forceful. It can be like an army of invisible hooligans. They knock over chairs and toss things across the lawn. Sometimes they even knock over trees and vandalize the property.

I've always found those windy days where the clouds rush past in fast-forward a little unsettling. They rush past, blow the treetops like brooms against the sky. Sometimes they shake up the way for change and sometimes change is good... even if it makes us feel uneasy.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Hallowe'en

Just a quick note today, to extend warm wishes for a Happy Hallowe'en to you all.

Today I will be cleaning and cooking, preparing a feast before the trick-or-treating this evening. Each year we have a meal at the 'the good table' and set an extra place for any spirits who may want to partake with us. It is a time to remember those who have passed.

Tonight I will sip some wine and reflect on the passing year. I will resolve to remove the negative obstacles on my path and look toward creating a brighter future.

Before bed I will lay the cards and toss stones, and meditate on their meanings, accepting the guidance they provide.

Somewhere in there I'll also make brownies... because I am certain my kidlet will hoard his candy stash from his dear old mum and dad. I don't blame him one bit. ;)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Cheeky Snowballs and Holiday Schedule 2013

The first batch of snowballs of the season are completed! Woo hoo! Yay! Hip hip hooray!

While the regular sized snowballs dry on my mantle, these little mini fellows are already gussied up. I'm sure my house will look like a blizzard has struck by weeks end with all that snowy glittery goodness messing the place up :)

For those interested in my holiday selling schedule: 

The ONLY craft show I am doing this season is at Applefest Lodge in Brighton on November 9th. It's a teeny weeny show with only a handful of vendors but I'll be there with bells on and lots of nice things in tow.

I have an exhibit at Impresartio Artisan Market in Cobourg for the month of December. I ALWAYS have work available here and I love that shop with all my heart (and Rebecca is the bees knees.) Not sure when the 'opening' will be but I'll post when a date is firmed up.

The studio will be open a handful of days in December. Want to come and poke around for holiday gifts at the studio? Excellent. As soon as my schedule is sorted I will post a list of 'open door' days. These will likely be mid-December.

Finally, I WILL be reserving items specifically for the etsy shop. I will post on the blog and on the facebook page when the listings are live.

Smoochy boochies lovely people!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Good Morning: Wishes and chills

It's another chilly morning here. I do like chilly frosty mornings. I'll take them over sweaty, stinkin' hot boilers any day. The dog is MUCH happier too. It's the husky in him... poor thing is miserable in the heat of summer. We're both feeling rather perky today.

The frost is starting to form in earnest now and it's beautiful. Everything is edged and embellished in cold glitter.

Even our BBQ is pretty. Just look at that landscape of ice.

Thank goodness for the abundance of inspiration for the winter projects that I'm working on.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pleased toadstools

I am smitten!

I've made harvested a big batch of these funny toadstools. They are rather pleased with themselves. I'd be pleased with myself too if I were a red spotted toadstool.

My camera and the weather are not cooperating today, but once I can grab a few good snapshots there will be a couple of these listed in the etsy shop (however most will be heading over to Impresario Artisan Market for sale at some point this weekend).

ETA: HERE are the listings that will be available for the time being. There is one large and one small toadstool listed.

And one last picture for good measure :)

Morning Inspiration: Frost

It's getting nippy. The past few mornings have see a bit of frost on the ground, but I do believe today takes the cake with beautiful little shards of ice covering everything in the shade. It's quite beautiful. That lovely frosty coating and then the sun reflecting off of tiny bits of ice. Some people would say it glistens like diamonds... but I prefer glitter ;).

Getting these shots was an interesting process because as the sun quickly rose and the air warmed those little bits of ice melted... and fast! You could see the melting right before your eyes. Fascinating and sort of sad at the same time. All that hard work Jack Frost put into placing that ice just-so and 'poof!' it's gone.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sweet Sentiments and Spooky Peek-a-boo tag

Graphic 45 is revealing MORE gorgeousness on their blog today. It's day 8 of their sneak peek at their brand new collection "Sweet Sentiments". Being a big fan of butterflies, flowers and vintage images, I can't wait to get my hands on it!

There are a ton of great projects and eyecandy on the blog today so hop over there!

One of the projects mentioned on the blog (and actually rather spooky, and not sweet at all) is my peek-a-boo tag.

Heck, there's even a viddy tute to go along with it!

And the supply list:
Graphic 45 Staples:
Regular Tag Album
Petaloo Flowers and leaves
May Arts Ribbons
Gina’s Design Small Fence and Gate Set