Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The thing with creativity is that it breeds itself.

The more you do, the more you create, the faster the ideas come. When I create the ideas pound on my door, leap out of my stash, and nudge me awake. When I hit my stride there are not enough hours in the day to express all of the thoughts in my head. I can't pour them out fast enough.

But when I'm stopped in my tracks... well, the thing with creativity is that it breeds itself.

I've been sitting and waiting for it to return. Days and days of frustrated and idle hands. Those slow wheels are just starting to budge now. The familiar thrill is just a tickle at the moment and I miss the mad torrent frenzied mess making.

Perhaps a little push to start the momentum again. Some scissors, glue and paper. I'm really not one for making cards but it seemed the right thing today. A quiet day, creating cards from pretty papers.

I'm hoping these cards have done the trick and the mad mess making can resume once more.

Materials List:
Graphic 45 Botanical Tea
Core'dinations Card Stock
Ingvild Bolme Fly Away Resin Birds Set
Musical Note Washi Tape
May Arts Ribbons 
Petaloo Textured Elements
Self Adhesive Pearls

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Couture Loo

Before the holiday hub-bub I gussied up our downstairs loo with a bit of Graphic 45 Couture flair. I used items already on hand, spray painted them black to start with a coordinating base, then set to decorating.

You can find more home decor ideas over on the Graphic 45 blog today.

And here is the complete supply list for my little loo revamp.

Large framed pieces:
> Chic
Old metal frames
Black spray paint
White double matts

Small Oval Plaques
Self adhesive pearl accents
Small Wooden Plaques
Black spray paint

Towel Rack
Self adhesive pearl accents
Black spray paint

Friday, January 10, 2014

Enough with the tomfoolery 2014!

I've been sick.

2014 has been a ten day string of ailments and aches. Kidney stones, killer germs and other assorted ick-nastiness literally one after the other. My sinus' have been alternating between being so clogged I have to pathetically breath out of my mouth and so dry and clear it's painful to inhale. I'll spare you the details of the other disgusting tricks my body has been up to.

Anyway, I'm out of bed today and feeling a bit better. Thank the gods for hot tea, good husbands and sweet little boys who make their own school lunch because 'mum isn't well'.

Because I've been sick, A LOT of holiday clean-up has been ignored. This includes the tree.

Note the Nerf darts from the great Christmas battle of 2013

Once proud and springy branches are now pointing downward and ornaments sliding off.  The only reason there aren't more needles on the floor is because I haven't dared touch the thing. Mr Pixie has said it's now a fire hazard. It's so dry in here that he's sure that the itchy dog is sure to start scratching, creating a spark, setting the tree alight!

By the time I clear the thing it'll just be bare twiggy-ness.

The job must be done. Today. With tissue firmly up my nose, and a fresh pot of tea (maybe a tipple of whiskey too boot) I will clear this mess and hopefully, magically, put 2014 in it's place.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Speaking of looking back

One of the projects that I left off of my new year's eve post (and the one that actually got me thinking about my  favourite projects from 2013) was Typography Postal Station No. 45.

It's featured on today's Graphic 45 blog with a boatload of photos and full supply list.

Also on the Graphic 45 blog are some brand new Graphic 45 Staples sneak peeks. My absolute favourite are these...
They come in two sizes. The standard regular G45 tag size and... wait for it... ATC size! I recieved some in my design team package and they are sooooo stinkin' cute. Adorable even.

And I'm afraid that's all from me today. I'm doing battle with a kidney stone and I've no idea who is going to win.


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

P.S. One last thing

So long 2013

It's been a funny year. I lost my job, joined the Graphic 45 design team, got published, gained weight, laughed, ate, drank, and was quite merry through it all (except the job part... that stunk). We survived the great ice storm with only a tiny bit of power loss and no mail for almost 2 weeks (gasps!) ... but we survived, and gaily so. We're fortunate. We know it.

Tomorrow a bright and shiny new year begins. Truth be told, I'm not really one for the New Year hub-bub. I don't make resolutions or mark the occasion in any special way. I may watch the telly and sip on some bubbly at the appropriate moment (although any moment is the appropriate moment for bubbly) but that's about the extent of it. Really, I'm always hoping that the nice things in life snowball. That the good gathers momentum and grows... forever and always, not just the new year.

I thought perhaps I would take a look at some of the work I completed in 2013. I produce quite a bit but I don't often look back. I think that prevents me from getting too sentimental and makes it easier to let go. On the other hand, sometimes its nice to reminisce, so here are a few of my favourite projects from the past year in no particular order...

A Starry French Country Shrine One of the very first things I created as a Graphic 45 design team member and also one of my favourites :)

 "Chook in the snow" An acrylic painting of one of our hens pecking at scratch in the snow.

  A story told through a series of miniature letters, abandoned here and there for strangers to find. I never did post the whole story on the blog... hmmm.

 A paper butterfly tree made with all sorts of goodies from Alpha Stamps and Graphic 45.

Toadstools of the Giant Variety These weren't very pretty come fall but they were amazingly intact considering the 5 months of weather they had endured.

Lovers Memento For someone who isn't very romantic I do sometimes get quite broody and dreamy and long for sweet nothings to whispered.

The Borrowers Box I created this piece for a craft challenge then abandoned it at my local library. I never did hear from it's finder. I hope they liked it.

The Wild Little Things I'm still not done with this series of photographs (despite being bitten by a tick and convincing myself that I would die from Lyme disease while shooting).

Sugar Plum the largest single piece I've ever worked on and one of my favourites.

A Big Bright Moon Another piece from my December show. It's one of my favourites because it seemed people couldn't help but stick their heads inside for a better look.

A small space This last piece may seem a bit silly but it's one of my favourite pieces. There's so much jammed into that little space. The mousetrap is one of the smallest things I've ever made and I was just terribly proud of it.

It seems impossible to me that these projects were created over the past 12 months. It feels as though years have passed for since some of them were created. What was your creative year like? Do you set goals for the future? What do you hope the new year will bring?

Anywho, don't stay up too late tonight. Don't drink and drive. Have a very happy New Year and all that jazz and I'll see you 2014!


Monday, December 30, 2013

Rest and solitude

Today I am enjoying the quiet of my house. All of our guests have left. The kiddo is playing at friends house. I am alone with the dog and other critters, enjoying the first moments of solitude in what feels like ages. 

I'm soooo looking forward to getting back to making. I haven't done any crafting for a week and it's starting to ware on me. One of the last things I made was this little ATC using Graphic 45's Sweet Sentiments.

I just love the little floral bits of Perfect Petals and Violet Bouquet. So very, very sweet.

Tomorrow I'll be looking back on the past year and some of my favourite projects. How about you? What have you made that you are especially proud of in 2013? Do you have anything grand planned for 2014?