Sunday, January 18, 2015

One Little Thing - Bust Yo' Stash!

This week we're "Stash Busting!"

Your challenge this week is to create something, anything, from your "stash". Go rummaging! Dig deep into your collection of hoarded goods. This is the perfect time to get to work on the little project you've been putting off forever. OR profess your love to your stash of glues and glitters through rhyming verse. Show off your magnificent stash of neatly folded fabrics through photographs! The only rule this week is that you cannot buy anything new. You must create and celebrate what you already have on hand.

You can do it! I know you can :)

**You DON'T have to make something big or elaborate. This challenge is about removing the excuse "I don't have time" and dedicating few minutes to being creative. It's also about giving value to, and recognizing, creativity and inspiration in all it's forms. A poem, photograph, idea list, ATC, doodle, inchie, sketch, card, painting, inspiration board, altered something-or-other... ANYTHING you create from scratch with the theme in mind is a success. **

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Star Crossed Lovers

The theme over at Alpha Stamps this month is "Star Crossed Lovers" (which I love!) For my project I began by embellishing a Hinged Wood Chest with Clasp with glitter and stars and adding wheels...

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

... then I altered a series of cards with the romanitcal lusty theme to fit inside.

The cards themselves are distressed and then have fitting snippets from old books added.

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

I then added some wax and embedded glitter, stars and small heart shaped beads.

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

I love the way the wax gives a cloudy, dreamy quality to the pieces.

On these cards I've simply used regular candle wax but it has it's drawbacks... if your flame doesn't burn cleanly you run the risk of lampblack/soot getting into the clean wax.
Plain candle wax is actually quite brittle when dried and will easily crack so care must be take afterwards not to bend the cards. ALSO some candle wax is actually quite greasy (especially true if scented oils have been added).
Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

Using beeswax can help you to avoid these problems. Alpha Stamps offers these beeswax pellets which are much more pliable and resilient and are intended for arty/crafty use.

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

Want to make your own? Here's what you'll need...
Star Crossed Lovers
Star-Crossed Lovers Add-On Kit
Hinged Wood Chest with Clasp* 

Beeswax Pellets

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

My One Little Thing "Hero"

I had a few ideas for this weeks challenge.

1. There was an idea that I had that used stamps... but I seem to have misplaced my stamp stash (a whole flipping tackle box!) and so that I idea was squashed.

2. Next I thought about doing a piece focusing on the many women that inspire me... but the idea was scattered and not coming together. 

Then I found this picture of Picasso...

... and I knew exactly what had to happen...

P-man standing guard over the Saturday morning coffee and peanut-butter.
I wouldn't exactly call Picasso a hero. He is one of the greatest artists who has ever lived, but he was also a bit of a dick. However, I could not pass up the opportunity to make a pocket sized Pablo in tights.

So what's the lesson this week? It's okay to be silly in your work. Being silly is a valid way to explore a concept/challenge and opens the door to even more ideas. As an added bonus, it can remove fear and gives you freedom over your own work.

P.S. I watched the documentary Blood Brother this week (it's on Netflix). Ahhhmazing! Rocky Braat is a real hero.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Morning Visitors

I've been wondering where my feathered friends have gone. The feeder was hanging half full... yet no visitors for ages. Today I went out to inspect and discovered that all that was left was dried corn which was clogging the holes. I felt badly for not realizing sooner so set out a feast this morning. In no time at all my friends returned.

We're located on a migratory path and see a lot of different birds here. It's lovely to see four or five totally different birds sharing the goods. Sometimes they get a bit bossy and dive bomb one another, but mostly everyone gets along.

Yellow birds in winter are like a wisp of summer.

The bird above is one of my very favourites, a dark-eyed  junco. They prefer scattered seed over the feeder and enjoy the spoils that fall from the feeder.

The sweet girl above is a downy woodpecker. You can tell her apart from the boys because she is missing a patch of red feathers at the back of her head.

Everyone was having a grand time and having their fill until this cheeky thing came bounding along. 

I've been watching a family of squirrels poking in and out of a hole in the tippy top of one of our old black locust trees. Lucky for him they've been entertaining or else I would have shooed him away.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Collecting Nice Things with Graphic 45

I'm sure I've asked this before: Have you ever seen the movie Amelie

It’s wonderful, and filled with so many delightful little details. Many of those little details were from a journal that directorJean-Pierre Jeunet, used to keep. A collection of things that made him happy. I’ve wanted my own collection of nice things ever since. And so, my new years resolution is to take special notice of lovely things.

Graphic 45 Once Upon a Springtime Journal - Nichola Battilana

Using an inexpensive coil bound notebook and Graphic 45's Once Upon a Springtime, I’ve created a special place for my collection. It has loads of pockets where bits and pieces can be tucked away… but it’s also practically embellished so that I can toss it in my purse. 

Graphic 45 Once Upon a Springtime Journal - Nichola Battilana

Graphic 45 Once Upon a Springtime Journal - Nichola Battilana

Graphic 45 Once Upon a Springtime Journal - Nichola Battilana

Although I may not have gone over the top with embellishments, I think every snip of Once Upon a Springtime is cute as buttons.

Graphic 45 Once Upon a Springtime Journal - Nichola Battilana

When not making notes it closes up tight and is secured with a length of jute affixed with a brad on the spine. It has quickly become my favourite book to write nice things inside :)

To make your own, I've created a snapguide HERE to help you. Don't let the number of steps put you off, a few of them doubled for clarity sake.

And the supply list...
Graphic 45 Stamped Metal Brad
Graphic 45 Ornate Metal Keys
Core'dinations G45 Darks Antique Moss
Blank Journal

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A few collages

I've been a total slacker this week. I don't know if it's the weather, or maybe recovery from the holidays, or I'm just burnt out, but I haven't felt like doing much other than veg on the couch and watch foreign horror films.

I dragged my bum up to my crafty cocoon last night and created a few little collages...
"Standing outside, her wings waved gaily in the breeze" collage by Nichola Battilana
First this little girl in the wind. The image of the gal is from The Graphics Fairy, a great resource for free images. That greenish paper in the background has a beautiful iridescent quality... I wish I had bought more of it because I don't think it's available any longer. The little striped bit by her feet is a lovely thin Red & Cream Stripes Paper Tape*

Below is my favourite of the bunch.
Collage by Nichola Battilana
I like how serene and surreal it is. I like the colour pallet too, it's like a dream. Warning: I'm about to sound pretenious... I like the spacial quality, the economy of embellishment most of all
"The moon dreamed she was sailing somewhere else." Collage by Nichola Battilana

And then the moon. Sometimes I sit and chop out words and phrases from discarded books then peice them back together into phrases... sort of like little poems. It's a lovely exercise.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

One Little Thing - Hero

This week's prompt is "Hero"

Have you always wanted to be a super hero? Maybe you know a real life hero? This week take a few minutes to create one little thing with a 'hero' theme.

Design a super hero costume, write a list of essential utility belt gadgets, take a photo of your every day hero. There is no incorrect way to complete this task. The important thing is to focus and think creatively about the theme... and enjoy yourself!

**You DON'T have to make something big or elaborate. This challenge is about removing the excuse "I don't have time" and dedicating few minutes to being creative. It's also about giving value to, and recognizing, creativity and inspiration in all it's forms. A poem, photograph, idea list, ATC, doodle, inchie, sketch, card, painting, inspiration board, altered something-or-other... ANYTHING you create from scratch with the theme in mind is a success. **