Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mixed Media Houses

I bought a sheet of masonite for a project and while drawing up the cut lines for my husband (seriously, it's best if I stay away from sharp power tools) I decided to mark out some house shapes. The original project was immediately pushed aside while I rummaged through my stash to create these...

At around 12" tall they are quite large compared to most of my work. They have a nice chunkiness to them. They make me happy to look at them :) Here's a better look at each with some notes on the supplies used.

"Sing like a thrush as loud as you can, one more song for her" Nichola Battilana

The lovely dotty paper at the top is from G45's Times Nouveau - Deluxe Collector's Edition. The striped portion is Botanical Tea > Field of Flowers. There's a crushed bottle cap, little white buttons, cloak clasp, resin frame and Thin Fleur Dresden. The image is from this Tintypes Collage Sheet. Finally, the red square behind the quote is cut from an old hardcover book.

"Drink your tea, daintily like a lady!" Mixed Media House - Nichola Battilana

The background of this piece is a beautiful iridescent paper that I can't seem to find the name of. (I'm a stinker!) The bottom scalloped edge is a section of an old necklace. The butterfly in the top arch is one of those old Red Rose tea figurines. The round bobble at the top is an antique french lottery number. The arches are these bezels from Spellbinders. The image here is from Karen's Whimsy an amazing resource for collage images. The little tea charms can be found HERE and HERE

"across the world and backward in time" Mixed Media House - Nichola Battilana
Finally my little time traveller. He is from my personal collection of old photographs. The background is  Star-Crossed Constellation Scrapbook Paper* with some added glitter :) The goggles, wings and propeller on this piece are Junkyard Findings - Steampunk Air. The gears are actually cut from a texture sheet from Gina's Designs but they don't seem to be available any longer. At the tippy top you'll also see a 25mm Round Antique Bronze Setting*. I've coloured all of my metal bits just a little to match the paint on the chipboard gears.

And that's it! I had a lot of fun making these and now that they're out of my system I can get down the project that got pushed out of the way... unless something exciting distracts me... which is likely...

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ABC Primer Tags for Graphic 45

I was asked to create something inspired by something on pinterest. Now, these don’t look anything like the original inspiration, but sometimes it’s just a small element, technique or idea that inspires or can be a jumping off point. In this case, the dimension that little bottom fold from the original Pinterest inspiration. I’ve folded the bottom edge of my tags to give depth and interest. The fold sort of adds a horizon point to build upon and creates tags that are extra chunky and sturdy.
Graphic 45 ABC Primer Tag - Nichola Battilana

Graphic 45 ABC Primer Tag - Nichola Battilana

Graphic 45 ABC Primer Tag - Nichola Battilana

Graphic 45 ABC Primer Tag - Nichola Battilana
Supply List:
Graphic 45 ABC Primer Tag - Nichola Battilana
Be sure to check out the Graphic 45 blog too for more taggy goodness by the amazing and sweet as pie Romy Veul AND there's a giveaway a-happenin' too :)

Monday, January 26, 2015

G45 ATC Blocks

There are a number of fresh and bright ideas brewing in my noggin' but they aren't quite ready yet. In the meantime I've been puttering away with scissors and glue, trying to keep the mojo going. One of my go-to projects to do while waiting for my big ideas to percolate is ATC and ATC blocks - so that is what I made...

G45 ATC Blocks - Nichola Battilana

I've used a different Graphic 45 collection for each one. For this one I've used ABC Primer Deluxe Collector's Edition

G45 ATC Block w/ ABC Primer - Nichola Battilana

This one is Typography (one of my very favourite G45 collections)

G45 ATC Block w/ Typography - Nichola Battilana

And the new Home Sweet Home which is fast becoming a favourite also and reminds me that summer is on the way.

G45 ATC Block w/ Home Sweet Home - Nichola Battilana

Lastly... I need to clear out a bunch of stuff to make room for the new ideas I'm working on. Keep your eyes peeled for a big fat sale in the next week or so.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

One Little Thing - Quote

This week's prompt is "Quote"

Some people are filled with magic words. Van Gogh spouted many lovely (and sometimes tragic) phrases "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." Others are filled with lovely nonsense, like my childhood friends mother who would often say "Pink, pink, pink like a roosters dink!" while plucking chickens in her kitchen. It's funny the things that stick with us.

Wise words can inspire.

Phrases can stick with us forever.

Silly rhymes are ingrained and repeated for years.

Self made mantras can keep us going.

Feel free to interpret this theme any way you want! There is no wrong way to complete this challenge. The only 'requirement' is that you spend at least a few minutes focused on the theme, and create one small thing this week.

Good luck!

**You DON'T have to make something big or elaborate. This challenge is about removing the excuse "I don't have time" and dedicating few minutes to being creative. It's also about giving value to, and recognizing, creativity and inspiration in all it's forms. A poem, photograph, idea list, ATC, doodle, inchie, sketch, card, painting, inspiration board, altered something-or-other... ANYTHING you create from scratch with the theme in mind is a success. **

Saturday, January 24, 2015

My One Little Thing "Stash Bustin'"

This piece has been sitting in my craft room for eons. I see it all the time and keep meaning to gussy it up... but life always gets in the way. So this weeks challenge, to utilize your stash, was a perfect opportunity to finally do something with this hunk-o-wood just for me.

A bit of glitter, some paint and starry tinsel and ta-da....

Cute as buttons!

This weeks lesson? Often, little 'just for fun' projects get pushed out of the way. Every once in a while remember to do one of those 'back burner' projects. Check your stash and do that thing you've been putting off for a year. Those fun frivolous projects are important! They get your hands dirty and you'll feel great about checking something off of your never-ending, ever-growing 'to-do' list.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

One Little Thing - Bust Yo' Stash!

This week we're "Stash Busting!"

Your challenge this week is to create something, anything, from your "stash". Go rummaging! Dig deep into your collection of hoarded goods. This is the perfect time to get to work on the little project you've been putting off forever. OR profess your love to your stash of glues and glitters through rhyming verse. Show off your magnificent stash of neatly folded fabrics through photographs! The only rule this week is that you cannot buy anything new. You must create and celebrate what you already have on hand.

You can do it! I know you can :)

**You DON'T have to make something big or elaborate. This challenge is about removing the excuse "I don't have time" and dedicating few minutes to being creative. It's also about giving value to, and recognizing, creativity and inspiration in all it's forms. A poem, photograph, idea list, ATC, doodle, inchie, sketch, card, painting, inspiration board, altered something-or-other... ANYTHING you create from scratch with the theme in mind is a success. **

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Star Crossed Lovers

The theme over at Alpha Stamps this month is "Star Crossed Lovers" (which I love!) For my project I began by embellishing a Hinged Wood Chest with Clasp with glitter and stars and adding wheels...

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

... then I altered a series of cards with the romanitcal lusty theme to fit inside.

The cards themselves are distressed and then have fitting snippets from old books added.

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

I then added some wax and embedded glitter, stars and small heart shaped beads.

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

I love the way the wax gives a cloudy, dreamy quality to the pieces.

On these cards I've simply used regular candle wax but it has it's drawbacks... if your flame doesn't burn cleanly you run the risk of lampblack/soot getting into the clean wax.
Plain candle wax is actually quite brittle when dried and will easily crack so care must be take afterwards not to bend the cards. ALSO some candle wax is actually quite greasy (especially true if scented oils have been added).
Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

Using beeswax can help you to avoid these problems. Alpha Stamps offers these beeswax pellets which are much more pliable and resilient and are intended for arty/crafty use.

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana

Want to make your own? Here's what you'll need...
Star Crossed Lovers
Star-Crossed Lovers Add-On Kit
Hinged Wood Chest with Clasp* 

Beeswax Pellets

Star Crossed Lovers for - Nichola Battilana