Showing posts with label bed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bed. Show all posts

Friday, December 02, 2016

Day 2 - Cozy Fairy Beds

When I was a little girl, my Christmas stocking was always placed at the bottom of my bed. I'd wake up super duper early on Christmas morning and find a sock full of treats waiting for me. I'm sure this pleased my mother, as it gave her some extra sleep while I pillaged the stocking goodies.

Cozy fairy beds - Nichola Battilana

I am CERTAIN that fairies celebrate Christmas too. (In fact, fairies love celebrating so much, I'm sure that they partake in every possible holiday!) I wanted to give my fairies the same Christmas experience so, I've made my house fairies some little beds to get tucked into on Christmas eve. I've used a Gypsy Soul Mission Style Bed and a Standard Bed. I've added Leafy Corners to the Standard Bed as decorative accents. 

Cozy fairy beds - Nichola Battilana

The linens have been made from an old cotton pillowcase and the bedding is chopped from discarded sweaters. They are quite the cozy little things!

Cozy fairy beds - Nichola Battilana

I've also used the Christmas Shape Set to add a stocking to the end of the bed. I've dusted one with glitter and added a fuzzy trim... but if you want to get extra fancy, use the cutout as a template and cut 2 shapes out of felt. Glue the edge together and you'll have made a cute little stocking you can put the tiniest of treats inside!

Cozy fairy beds - Nichola Battilana

Now my fairies will be tucked safely into drawers and cupboards, no-so-patiently waiting for Santa's arrival. If you want to create your own wee beds, HERE is a video showing just how I put these cuties together.

Happy holidays to you and your fairy folk

Acrylic paint
Cotton fabric
Old sweater
Felt & fuzz (if making stocking)