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Showing posts with label raven. Show all posts

Friday, May 06, 2016

The Tale of the Crow's Clock

Clocks have always fascinated me. Mantle clocks, wall clocks, clock towers, grandfather clocks. They give measure to the passing of time, keep us in order, but there's something quite mystical about them too.  

The Tale of the Crow's Clock - Nichola Battilana

I thought of making a cuckoo clock for a while. Shortly after making the 'Goblin Throne' last month, a crow perched outside my window and nudged me to make a 'Crow's Clock' instead of a clock of the cuckoo variety. Who am I to argue with a crow?

The Tale of the Crow's Clock - Nichola Battilana

The base of the clock is one of my favourite products from Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts, the 3 Story House. It's a great size to work with and I think it's practically perfect as a clock body. I carved out an arch on the front and framed it with an Reliquary - Tower Top.

The Tale of the Crow's Clock - Nichola Battilana

Lace and Shell Border Sticks are used as edge embellishments and shingles for the roof.  For the
Little Bird House at the top, I used Dresden borders to repeat the patterned edge. At the tippy top you can see a wooden round thing... that's a vintage French lottery number, but don't worry if you don't have one of those in your stash, you could easily trade it out for one of the pieces from the Faux Typewriter Keys Symbol SetThose cute leafy frame and filigree bits are these Fanciful Elements.

The Tale of the Crow's Clock - Nichola Battilana

The clock does work and I've used the mechanism from the Desk Clock Standard. I did replace the hand with this Clock Hands Shape Set and swapped out the numbers with a frame from this Hanging Clock SetTotally not necessary to replace all those parts, but I like the way all these pieces fit together.

The Tale of the Crow's Clock - Nichola Battilana

Cuckoo clocks have weights in the shape of pine cones that drive the clock. Although my clock isn't weight driven, I wanted to include this traditional element by adding some real pine cones on a length of chain, along with some oak leaf charms.

The Tale of the Crow's Clock - Nichola Battilana 

This is a such a great project if you like adding embellishments and borders and you could go totally over the top if you wanted. If you'd like to make your own, check out my video that tells "The Tale of the Crow's Clock" and how it came together. 

Here are the supplies I used in my Crow's Clock
Clock Hands Shape Set
Little Bird House
Faux Typewriter Keys Symbol Set *alternative suggestion*

Old music papers
Brass chain and charms
Masking Tape