Friday, February 25, 2011

Making of Faerie Spying Stones

Here's the little bit I wrote for Danni over at the Whimsical Cottage. Hop on over there to see all the faerie goodness :)

~ The Making of Faerie Spying Stones
Faeries are a sly bunch. They are quick as a wink and well camouflaged to boot. It’s difficult to get a good look at the wee things. I often catch a fleeting glance of them while I hang my laundry on the line. While daydreaming they dance in my peripheral vision.

There are a number of ways to get a good look at the wee folk. One of those ways is by looking through a Faerie Stone (also called a hag stone, witch stone, holy stone, holed stone).

It is said that a true and proper Faerie Stone is a natural stone in which a hole has been formed by the elements. The stones should be found by the user, not purchased, gifted or traded for their true magical potential to be realized. But there’s a great deal of power in your thoughts and the energy of making. I say you might just be able to catch a glimpse if you create your own.

In Raven Grimassi’s book “Hereditary Witchcraft” he gives instructions on making a sort of Faerie Stone called a Faerie Sight Stone. Flowers, leaves and pollen are added to clay, a holed disk is made, and when ready, it is painted black with four white lines. “Legend says that Fairies can be sighted by looking through such a disc.”

Make your own version of a Faerie Sight Stone by adding faerie flowers, good intentions and charms to your own hand made holed stone. Wear it around your neck on a length of ribbon or hang it by your front door so that it’s always on hand for peeking at the fae.

Especially good times to try and spy faeries through your stones are: noon and midnight, mid-summers night, twilight hours, May Day, Halloween. Some say that you need to walk backwards and recite a specific chant too!
For specific instructions on how to make these, you can skip over to to this page at Pixie Hill.

** Please remember the spirit in which these are made. Sharing with friends, giving as gifts, making as a group project, leaving for strangers to find is absolutely encouraged. Selling them is not so nice and may just irk the faerie folk into pinching you in your sleep and tripping you up as you walk along. Don't say I didn't warn you ;)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A peek inside my cupboard

I managed to clean out my witchy cupboard today. I thought you might like a peek inside...

The top level has some nice chunky pillar candles (although I prefer glass prayer or dinner candles), assorted glass bottles, my oils and magical powders and blends, almond oil, candle holders, a mini cast iron cauldron, matches, charcoal bricks (which I buy by the case!) and hiding in the back is a coffee grinder I use to make incense.

The next shelf has a bunch of and spices.
Many of those baby good jars are from when my kiddo was just a wee little baby!

All of my essential oils are in that black case. It's best to keep them in the dark. That red and white container at the back has all my four leaf clovers in it, those funky tongs are for picking up hot coals and the basket is jammed full of resins for incense as well as things I've picked up along the way... bat's head seed pod, bluing balls, snake skin... all sorts of cool things that will prove useful one day ;)

On the left hand side of this shelf houses the things I really don't want to mingle with my herbs or oils. There's black poppet filling, grave dust, sulphur... the "just in case" things. The other side is just packaging. Little plastic zipper bags, glass vials,  candle wicks... the boring stuff really :)

And that's it! Most of my witchery is out in the open, here and there, all about my house but I thought you might like a peek inside ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Made-up holidays and a giant black tick

The Knickertwist family headed up to Ottawa this past weekend to celebrate Canada's newest, and most questionable holiday, Family Day. We had a grand time on the Rideau Canal. If you're ever near Ottawa in the coldest of months check to see if the canal is open for skaters, it's a real treat.

Here's me bundled up against the cold looking like a giant black tick :P Unfortunately my bum foot prevented me from skating along with the kidlet and husband. Instead I hobbled pathetically along the edge of the ice trying not to fall and break my foot... again. Ah, well, there's always next year.

My Pixie Hill experiment isn't quite done but you can go for a peek at I'm hoping to add a bunch o' faerie themed mess making goodies over the next couple of months. Grand intentions... hmmm,  we'll see what comes of them ;)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Ever get that feeling where you work and work and nothing seems to get done? That's where I've been for a while. It's frustrating. It's sort of depressing. It sure is nice to see the results when the things are FINALLY finished.

Yesterday was such a great day. Birds singing, sunshine, 'spring' cleaning... and I managed to get three whole projects completed last night!

A Star Gazers Wishing Wand

A Miniature Moon Shrine

A Terribly Important Shrine

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A new project

This morning these lovely things were left on the path leading down to the bus stop. I don't doubt for a moment that they are from the faerie folk here. The robins and sparrows were fluttering about and singing so happily yesterday that I am quite certain there was some sort of revelry going on last night.

It's a funny thing really because over the past few months I've been slowly working on a sister site for Knickertwist's... Pixie Hill.

Pixie Hill will be dedicated to faerie goodness and fostering creativity. It's really rough at the moment, and a bit of a mess, but in a week or so it should be up and running proper. I'll let you know when she's decent and ready for a peek :)

Anyway, part of the new site includes 'a journal of proof'. It will be a sort of record of the faerie sightings and magical activity that goes on here. I'm taking today's find as a sign to get the darned thing up and running already and have started the blogging here.

Hop on over and have a look at


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Airy Faerie Sneaky Peeky

Danni over at the Whimsical Cottage is celebrating February Fairies and has kindly let me in on the fun. Hop over and check out the faerie goodness posted by all the great guest bloggers. I'll be posting next week. Here's a sneak peek...

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Make your own damned mess" Giveaway

Here's the deal, I want you to be inspired. I want you to make a mess. BUT it has to be your own damned mess. No copying off of your neighbours work. Got it? Ok.

Over the years I've managed to build up a pretty nice collection of photos for use in my mess making. For the next month or so I'm giving away a high res sheet of grubby kidlet inchies made from my collection.

Here's the deal...

#1. Don't sell or give the file/sheet/images.

You can make as much stuff as you want from these. You can make as many copies as you like. You can sell or give or trade your finished artwork. Just don't distribute the images. You can direct others here to get their own, but don't distribute it, in any way, for free or for sale, in part or whole, in print or digitally, till death do you part.

I'm not one of those nice 'white' witches, and I am not above jinxing, hexing or cursing anyone who does not follow this very simple rule.

#2. Comment below on why it's wrong to steal, or the consequences of intellectual theft. Or, even better, why it's important to MAKE YOUR OWN DAMNED MESS. You get the idea.

And that's it! Everyone who leaves message will get the file... though I do reserve the right to refuse someone I think is a sneaky bastard.

Make sure I can contact you via email through your profile and you will be sent the full high-res jpg of the above. Email me at info (at) knickertwists (dot) com if you can not be contacted through your profile. I cross my black little heart that you won't be added to any sort of list, and I won't send you chain letters.

***Please note: I will send a 200dpi file at 1.5K which is absolutely suitable for printing. You can request a 300dpi file which is rather large at 3.5K.