It's cute. Really cute.
AND there's a tutorial.
Are you ready?
I think you're going to like this.

Can castles! Tin turrets! Recycled fairy garden towers!
The biggest struggles setting up the summer fairy garden have been the battles with the weather and the critters. This year I was determined to come up with something a little more sturdy to survive the summer and the squirrels. These are the result of all that thinkin'.

I'm kinda in love with them and want to make them in all the colours to dot around my garden. Just look at those blue beauties next to the tall poppies.
Some are topped with roof top gardens (which fairies love btw). Others have really simple pointy cone roofs which are just a bit of burlap sewn into a cone shape, then spray painted. The paint adds some stiffness and helps to prevent fraying. Pretty sure that any stiff fabric would do. My initial thought was to use reusable grocery bags (reusing the reusable!) but the burlap was on hand so I'll do that next time.
And speaking of 'next time'...
I've made a video tutorial for the basic version of this project so if you haven't already, hop over and subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Tin cans of all sizes and shapes
Spray paint (I recommend using a paint w/ primer)
Bits and bobs for windows & doors
Stir sticks
Plants and moss
*GooGone for removing label glue from tins
*Nail polish remover will remove SOME ink stamps