Have you watched "Derry Girls"? It's a super funny show about a groups of teens growing up in Northern Ireland. The Mr fell asleep watching it, but I thought it was super funny. There's this one scene where they're trying to study and the table before them is strewn with candy wrappers... they've raided the Christmas cupboard!
After making all those wee jars and vials of holiday bits, I thought I'd make a wee Christmas cupboard for the fairies to pilfer.
Nothing too fancy. Just a coat of acrylic paint on a miniature cupboard. A bit of age and grunge to make it feel 'homey' and comforting.
Sitting on top is a short length of garland, a kettle, cakes, honey, and Christmas cards.

See that little vial tucked in the back, between the copper kettle and the jar of honey? There's a lump of coal in there. I imagine a little fairy mother shaking it at her implings "You'd best behave or THIS is what will end up in your Christmas stockings!"
Inside is chocked full of tiny Christmas treats. More little sweets, gingerbread, candycanes... jars and tins and boxes of all sorts.
Candy cane bits, peppermint and tinsel tucked in the back. Pretty sure the tinsel is in a jar in the cupboard to keep it away from the cat.

There's even some real mistletoe in the jar on the bottom left. You never know when you'll need to sprinkle some on someones head for a smooch.
The bottom cupboards contain pressies, decorations and, of course, booze. Fairy wine, liquid Irish luck and absinthe all tucked safely away for holiday celebrations.
Here's hoping all these treats last through Yule and Christmas and don't get pillaged by the wee folk!
The cupboard is listed HERE on etsy but if you'd like to make your own, here is a handy list of some of the supplies I used:
Merry Little Christmas Labels
Any wee Christmas miniatures you can find!