I thought I'd end the year (and the whole decade come to think of it!) gently, not with a whimper exactly, but with a sweet whisper.
Months ago a local thrift shop posted about an album had recently been donated. They were concerned that it had been given in error and wanted to ensure that it was intended for donation.
Immediately I said "It's not mine, but if no one steps forward, I'll gladly adopt them."
Months later I got the message to come an pick up my new 'family'.

I understand why the shop was concerned. The little album is packed with the most darling images.
Little boys with wooden swords.
Grandmother knitting.
Children in tasseled hats sneaking up on sleeping uncles.
It is absolutely packed with the most delightful images.
And they are all just so wee!
The tiny pictures are from the 1920's
I am so very thrilled to have them in my collection...
And cannot wait to hear the stories they'll whisper to me almost 100 years after they were taken.
Best wishes to you and yours for a beautiful new year filled with gentle joys.