As a result I have a huge stack of mini tarot sheets that are printed on the wrong card stock. There's nothing particularly wrong with them, they just don't meet my usual paper nerd standards. What to do?!
I started to work on a layout and it occurred to me that some printable worksheets would be super freaking handy. And then I got carried away (as you do) and made 4 separate sheets.

Have a super day you lovely weirdo!
I've bundled these up into packages of 12 sheets and selling them with full disclosure that they are perfectly fine but not nearly as nice as my usual decks. 12 sheet for $12 including US/Canada shipping. Not a bad deal, and it's listed HERE.
Someone asked if these were suitable for use in resin and so I did a little test and they seem to hold up just fine.
Someone else suggested that the little cards would be great for journaling or keeping record of your tarot readings/journey.
I started to work on a layout and it occurred to me that some printable worksheets would be super freaking handy. And then I got carried away (as you do) and made 4 separate sheets.
I don't know about you but I use different spreads in my divination. Plus, variety is the spice of life as they say!
Below you'll find worksheets for logging 5 Card, Past Present Future, Classic Celtic, and Horoscope/Zodiac Spreads. I've made these to fit my little miniature tarot cards (but I won't tell on you if you use them to log your big tarot readings). Clicking on the images below should take you to the pdf file for you to download.

Seriously, how pretty is this Zodiac spread?!?!
A few notes:
• I don't include card interpretations with the layouts or cards. There are a zillion resources and books available for that.
• The same spreads can have loads of variations/interpretations. The Celtic Spread I've used here is the one that I've always known and appears in my oldest tarot books. BUT that doesn't make it it exclusively correct, or right, or the only way. You do you, baby! If you're more comfortable with another interpretation, use it. Anyone who tells you "This is the only correct way..." is full of malarkey. Yeah, I said it. Malarkey.
• You are welcome to print these off, use them, have tarot parties or classes with them... I only ask that you don't sell them, don't alter them, and don't pass them off as your own. Or else. Seriously. It won't be pretty.
The lesson? When life (or your printer) hands you lemons, make the best of it, make some lemonade and go totally overboard and carried away doing something that distracts from the massive pile of laundry that needs to be folded.
Want some wee tarot cards? Here's what's currently in my shop: