How stinking cute is this family?!

Want to add a little something to your holiday 'to-do' list? How about making a fleet of snowmen to assist you with holiday world dominance? Too much? How about just one roly poly snow dude to keep you company?
Ok? Let's go!
Here is your supply list:
• 2 styrofoam balls, one slightly smaller than the other (the size will determine your finished snowman size, 2 balls makes one snowman)
• skewer, poky stick, or small dowel
• paper napkin & painters or masking tape
• paper mache *see note below
• Creative Paper Clay
• white glue
• hot glue
• white, pink, black craft paint
• clear, transparent or translucent craft glitter **see other note below
• Mod Podge Dimensional Magic
• Mod Podge Dimensional Magic
• a tiny pinch of fake/buffalo snow (or more glitter!)
• twigs
• buttons
• fabric for scarf
• optional - felt for hat & other accessories
*Notes about paper mache:
Dry, prepared paper mache fibre/cellulose in which you simply add water is available to purchase, but you can absolutely make your own for very little money.
For this project, I made my own paper mache clay by tearing up an egg carton and toilet paper then covering that with hot water. After an hour or so I blended the softened papers in a food processor then poured that slurry through a sieve and squished out most of the water. To that I added a handful of flour, cheap white glue and a splash of vinegar. I mixed up that mess and kept in the fridge until ready to use. If you need exact measurements there are loads of recipes online (I found THIS page really helpful and informative) but honestly, precise measurements aren't necessary.
** Note about glitter
I use Creatology Glitter in the colour "clear", which can be found in the kids crafting area of Michael's. It's transparent, sparkly and cheap. Here's what the package looks like:
I prefer using clear/transparent/translucent glitter over white glitter because it allows the colour of the rosy cheeks to show through. I also like this glitter because it does not scratch. Some clear glitter is made from glass and is actually quite sharp and scratchy.
If you have a preference for other materials, just do a little experimenting on your own and see what works best for you. The only 'right' way, is the way that works best for you.
Got all that? Great! Now here's how to put all those things together to make your own roly poly snow dudes... Have fun!