I cannot believe that October has snuck up on us so quickly. I realized today that I need to get cracking on spreading the Halloween love and decorate the Knickertwist house! Last year I did the silhouette window pictured above. It was a great effect and very inexpensive. I'd love to do it again... I just need to find the right 'theme'. I think it may need more witches stirring their brew and some green lighting for effect. I'll post pics of our haunt once I spookify the joint.
P.S. I see that I never let you all know how little D's school/care worked out. Our daycare agreed to have one of the other daycare workers pick the wee fella up on time and get him safely back to daycare. What a load off our minds that was! There are still a few kinks but we'll work it out. We are a fortunate family.