Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yuletide Blessings

It's been a fantastic day :) We just finished a fab Yule feast and I wanted to send out our brightest Yuletide blessings to all of you from our wee family. Here are our wishes to you and yours...

May you find beauty in simple things, 

notice the magic that surrounds you,

and know that some things that glitter are more precious than gold.

We hope that the faeries and other wee folk take care of you, and you them.

May you be blessed with many treats and good things for the year to come.

May your home be filled with warmth and smiles,

memories that are light and lovely,

and bellies full of yummy things.

We hope you remain a wee bit cheeky too :)

Most of all, we hope that that you always have a wee bit left over,

& that you are as happy as can be.

You are a lovely bunch :)