After a fair bit of ho-ing and hum-ing I managed to complete the task and the winner picked up her wee 'house' today. So, I can now safely show off what I've been working on :)
This clock has been in my stash for quite a while. Sometimes when I'm stuck creatively I'll clean... when I came across this I knew it would be the perfect base for a little creatures home.
The inside is hollow and made a pefect (albeit small) space. Here you can see the roof top terrace where a someone has enjoyed a spot of tea.

Here's an overview of the inside. It's quite tight in there, but filled with nice little things.
A detail shot of a little table with a bowl of a rose petals and a clothes peg bench.
A fireplace with a gorgeous little cast iron cauldron and metal button she supplied.
Upstairs there's a match stick ladder leading to a sleeping loft.
You can see a stack of handmade miniature books and a birthday candle at the end of the bed.
Pretty things at the bottom of the ladder.
A matchbox bed with blankets made with vintage lacy bits. AND check out the size of that dolly. Believe it or not the limbs actually move! Plus, look at the mico-embroidery provided by the client.
Finally, here's a little spot for a little embroider. Filled with spools, needle and thread, lace and some very sweet vintage french stamps. And, if you look in the upper right corner, you can see that the flooring is held up by snails!
It was such a pleasure creating this little space and a great honor to use little heirlooms to make it even more special.