It's that time of year again when I venture into the heat and bugs, get covered in dirt, then complain about my sunburn. BUT it's all for a good cause... the faeries!

Little by little over the next few weeks we'll add a bit of pixie dust to the garden in preparation for our annual summer open house and the arrival of the summer wee folk that visit us. Above is a 'before' shot of one area of the garden, over-run with weeds, and below an in-progress picture after a bit of gumption and elbow grease.
There's loads to do, and this year will be a little different than our past fairy tours, but I think you'll like what we have planned.
I also managed to finish up this little happy moon shrine that has been waiting patiently for attention for MONTHS.
If you're interested in this fellow, he is listed HERE.
Hope your week is off to a great start! I'll have a new tutorial this Friday so be sure to pop in for another visit.