The beautiful Miss Amy Love invited me to guest design with Shabby is Chic Boutique and of course I said 'Yes!' because everything she carries is adorable!
When I saw this Cotton Drawstring Pouch in my package I knew I wanted to make a shabby mojo bag to encourage crafty inspiration!

First, what exactly IS a mojo bag? Basically it's a pouch, or bag, usually made of flannel, containing magical items used in hoodoo for spell work. Similar bags are used in other magical traditions for luck, protection and healing.
This is NOT a traditional mojo. I'm using the concept as a magical inspiration point.
My Cotton Drawstring Pouch is layered in Butterfly Dangle Trim and lace, then tea stained. I've added vintage buttons as accents, and centred a Filigree Wrap Around as a focal piece.
Finally, the most adorable Gold Plated Spoon is attached to the drawstring. I love it sooo much and imagine I'll use it for scooping glitter!
The contents? Well, these sorts of bags are kind of like birthday wishes - you really aren't supposed to tell.

To encourage crafty inspiration you may want to add items that reflect the colours, textures, motifs, mediums and themes that you love. Or, you could add herbs and flowers that encourage inspiration to make a magical sachet. And if magic ain't your jive, you could always use it to store something small and pretty.