Our site was right on the waters edge.
We could simply push our canoe into the river and be on our way!

The kid took his kayak and yakked all over the place!
We could sit by the waters edge lazily casting for fish... then setting them free and eating burgers instead.

The beach was quite nice. After a certain hour, when it was time for tired children to be fed, it was desolate and it felt like we had the whole lake to ourselves.
This fellow did sneak up on me while I was fishing with my feet in the water. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw him no more than two feet from my precious toes. He hung around the came and I nicknamed him Boop because he kept sticking his nose out of the water and I had an overwhelming urge to boop him on it.
Finally, a totally unflattering and utterly ridiculous photo of yours truly. It's terrible but I kind of love it at the same time, just like camping. It's messy and aggravating and far from perfect... but that doesn't mean it isn't fun and beautiful.