I woke to a very pretty winter wonderland this morning.
While it is beautiful, and I do love snow, I don't know if I feel quite ready for this change. I'm grateful I preserved a little bit of fall (which never seems to last long enough).
This was my first attempt using resin, so there are bubbles and they are far from perfect, but somehow perfect at the same time.

I gathered bright fall leaves a couple of weeks ago and then let them dry. I crumpled them into a sort of natural confetti and sprinkled the bits into the resin.
Despite the bubbles and flaws, I love how much they remind me of the glorious colours of autumn. Time will tell how well they'll preserve but for now... swoon!
I made some simple keychain dangly thingamabobs and added loops to the others for necklace pendants for my pretty bits, now I just have to decide who needs a slice of Canadian fall colours!
Here's the bits and bobs used: