Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And now for something completely different.

I've been painting like mad lately. Painting things, not pictures.

It got me thinking that it's been ages since I painted something. It's been positively eons since I took up those evil oils that always seem to foil my lovely ideas.

So, what a nice surprise to have an oil turn out almost as it should. And to have it be a landscape (that pesky subject has eluded me since the dawn of time) has given me a proper smile today.

Hurrah for try, try, trying!

EDIT: I've had a REALLY productive morning and managed to do two more small landscapes.

Ha! You can see my strokes getting rougher as the day has progressed. I think I'll put those oil brushes down for the rest of the day... though I can't promise I won't pick up some other ones :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

A new batch of houses.

I've finished a new batch of wee pixie houses. I think that the new rooves are more interesting and just might try to create the same sort of look on a larger doll house. What I really like is that they fit in to the wee natural places that inspire them. Those little places look like they belong on that old stump :)


P.S. Thanks for all the nice words about the thievery the other day. It looks like the entire tumblr account has been deactivated or else the gal removed it herself. I really do appreciate how sweet you folks are. You make it very hard to be a grump :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

So maybe I'm a little bitter...

If you've been to my site you know that there are a few free goodies on there. I offer pdf's, image files and wholeheartedly encourage people to make their own loverly magical messes. I am an absolute advocate for mutual inspiration... you inspire me, I give something back. Breeding wonder and spreading the magic is what it's all about.

When I see people recreate crafts that I have made I generally find it flattering. Fat lot of good it would do to make things that simply gathered dust, I'm glad they hold some value for others. As an artist who hears the words "weird" and "creepy" a fair bit I'm well chuffed that some people are inspired by my strange little world.

That said, what I abhor, is outright theft.

It seems someone has stolen a page from my website. A WHOLE damned page. Not only did they steal the text, in it's entirety, word for word, but they also stole the images. Not only did they steal the text, and all the images, they linked to my images and stole my bandwidth. *sigh*

Now, if this person had simply put "...from knickertwists" I wouldn't have been irked at all. Instead, at the top of the offending blog, it reads "All of the photos posted are taken by me, unless I say otherwise." Ah, a thief and a liar.

Now, I can count the number of public domain images used on my site on my fingers. I have spent countless hours shooting and editing literally 100's upon 100's of photographs, graphics, and creating the entire content for my lowly site. Don't get the wrong idea... I'm not silly... I expect that images are going to be swiped, but for someone to steal a whole damned page? It's too much.

Thief, if you are reading this, I want you to know that you've pissed me off. It's not okay to take something that isn't yours... it's unethical, immature, lazy, demonstrates a complete lack of integrity and shows that you are devoid of imagination. Guess what? There's an actual person behind those words, and photographs you stole. Why don't you put your own damned heart into something?

Friday, September 10, 2010

My happy place.

If you imagined me an airy fairy slip of a girl in a flowy dress puttering in my garden and giggling with the fairies I'm afraid you'd be sorely disappointed upon meeting me.

Today I'm a plain chubby gal in jeans and hoodie, riding a red Troy mower, wearing ear muffs and singing Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights very badly at the top of my lungs.

2+ hours on the riding mower and look at that... beautifully chopped grass. You can't see it very well from the photo but there are lovely straight lines up and down our giant hill from my super mowing powers :)

I don't think I could be any happier than cutting the grass for hours on end on a gorgeous fall weather day. Who knew that would be my happy place?

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Back to school!

The kiddo went back to school yesterday. The house was terribly quiet and although it's a nice change from the usual noise I'll admit it was a bit lonely without the boy. I really could hardly wait for that bus to come over the hill and bring the Big D back home :)

I've been working away on some swappy stuff and other projects. I can't really show a lot off, as it's not quite nice to look at just yet but here's a couple of things in the works...

A new pixie village still under construction.

A super creepy spirit board. I really love those old woodcut images. And speaking of creepy...

We had ourselves a bonfire on Sunday to celebrate the end of summer and it looks like we had a guest. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Clearing out the old with shameless auction plugs

It's time to clear out some old stuff in the old witch cupboard. Right now there's a few things on ebay including some of these old gals...

Just look at that bum Ha! :) I made those eggs AGES ago and it's time they moved on. I've got them up on ebay starting at .99 a pop if you're interested. There's also two herb kits with our old labels on them up for grabs also starting at .99.

Knickertwist's ebay listings

Monday, August 30, 2010

Teeny Weeny Fairy Cottages

Just some wee things to share...

Absolutely inspired by Phizzychick's Gnome Homes.