Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sharing the wealth

Well, our plans to hit a bazillion garage sales this weekend was quashed by the weather. Don't feel too badly for us, the garden needed the rain. Besides, we also found a church sale! I love church sales. The strangest things show up at them. They are also tend to be VERY reasonable with their prices.

Besides a miniature dish for a quarter, and the framed print of Mary for 75 cents I picked up two big bags of vintage stamps for $2 a pop. That's a total splurge in my book... but absolutely worth it!

Anywho, I've got more stamps now than I'll ever use so I figured I'd share the wealth.

Soooo, if you follow this blog, or like Pixie Hill Studio on facebook, email your snail mail address to info(at)pixiehill(dot)com with "STAMPS PLEASE" in the subject line. It would be swell if you could comment here as well. I'll send some mess making stamps to the first 15ish people who reply.

And just in case you're worried... I cross my heart I won't share your info with anyone.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Butterfly Fairy Shrine

I had a very productive evening last night. I totally lost track of time and completed two whole projects! One of my makings is sort of in a prototype stage so I won't show you that mess just yet. The other? Take a gander...

A butterfly fairy shrine, with vintage bubble wand egg dipper, handmade ladybugs in the upcycled lid of a little wooden box. She'll be listed at in the etsy shop on Monday.

The poor girl must have been desperate for some wings as she just arrived in my mailbox last week and here she is, already gussied up with a rather cheeky determined expression.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Remember that pile of stuff my husband bought an auction on the weekend? Well the crafting stars aligned themselves, the creativity gods smiled upon me, and my glue bottle runnith over....
It's filled with quite a few of those rusty, musty, finds. The aqua floral  clip on earring, the scissors, corks, nails, marbles, bbs... all from that box.

The boy is from my personal collection of photos. The shiny metal bit at the top is half of a vintage Christmas light reflector. That dangly bit at the bottom? An arrow head!

The gods were extra especially kind as this month's challenge is "Rock, Paper, Scissors", all elements in my little assemblage box :)

This piece is now listed in the etsy shop here.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Duck madness!

And here's why I will very likely never be able to get anything finished, ever again...

They are just sooooo darned cute... even if they do threaten to nibble at my toes.


When I was a little girl, whenever anyone would say the word 'pink' my friends mother would say...

Pink! Pink! Pink!
Like a roosters dink!

To this day when someone says 'pink' this poem runs through my mind. It must be because it's just the right amount of rude.

Something that isn't rude at all (quite the opposite actually... it's really rather lovely) is a pink themed challenge hosted by Alpha Stamps. Make anything at all with a dash or dollop of pink and post it to the Alpha Stamps facebook page and you could win a gorgeous handmade shrine by Teri Calia.  

Here's the official post and details.

So make a big pink mess, post your photos, and I'll cross my fingers in the hopes you'll win :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Faerie Ring Shrine

I finished up the very last of the drawer shrines this morning.

This one is much bigger than the others measuring at 15" tall, 7.5" wide. I wanted to do something different with this one and there were a few ideas floating around in my noggin', but I settled on creating a faerie ring. They say if you step into a ring of toadstools you may get swept off to faerie land (and might never return!). I don't think this bunch will cause too much trouble :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Moons and Magic Carpets

Two more moon shrines to take a gander at. These are the last two smaller drawers from the set that I've been using to create this series of boxes. My husband suggested that we go and buy another set but I said that the recycle/upcycle part of these makes them a little bit more special. He agreed.

I love how the red and white really pops against the darker sky in this one. Go to the etsy listing for this item.
And this one is just so cheery and sweet. I especially like the ladybugs that are escaping into the real world. We have ladybugs all over our old house. They are everywhere! They crawl all over the windows, the tables, on the rim of my wine glass, the sink... I know they're a pest but seeing them around makes me happy.

I also like the little paper butterfly perched on a tiny pinecone. I've got a butterfly project on the brain so I just had to try to stick one in here somewhere. Go to the etsy listing for this item.


Last, but certainly not least... I bought a magic carpet! I've always wanted an old rug like this and when I saw this one for a song I jumped at the chance to bring it home.

The kidlet has already tried it out and said that he had some trouble getting it off the ground. No worries,  we've got all summer to weave some magic into that old rug.