Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Day 13 - Gnome Tart Tin Ornaments

I seem to have a thing with gnomes this holiday season... and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Gnomes are rather lovely after all.

Gnome Tart Tin Ornaments - Nichola Battilana

I had a healthy stash of rusty tins left over from last year and I've finally put them to use. If you want to make your own rusty tins HERE is the blog post where I explain my process.

Gnome Tart Tin Ornaments - Nichola Battilana

This isn't a design team project, but it is a fortunate coincidence that the images from Alpha Stamps Gnome & Mushroom Ornaments Collage Sheet fit just-so in the bottom of my tart tins.

Gnome Tart Tin Ornaments - Nichola Battilana

Some spun cotton mushrooms, a bit of moss...

Gnome Tart Tin Ornaments - Nichola Battilana

...acorns and little pine cones...

Gnome Tart Tin Ornaments - Nichola Battilana
... and of course some glittery snow to finish them off.

P.S. Hope you're fine and dandy. Big wet kisses for you today!


Monday, December 12, 2016

Day 12 - Vintage Santa Tart Tin Ornaments

Do you believe in Santa? I do! And I adore that jolly old fellow.

A couple of holiday ornaments today, featuring my favourite beardy guy.

(Don't tell Mr. Pixie I said that!)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Day 11 - Tiny Gnomish Lucky Charm Shrines

I'm rather pleased with myself... which usually spells trouble.

Tiny Gnome Luck Charms - Nichola Battilana
But as these little things are meant for luck, hopefully I can avoid trouble just this once.
Tiny Gnome Luck Charms - Nichola Battilana

I have noticed that many vintage greeting and post cards that feature red capped toadstools also show off good luck charms like four leafed clovers and horseshoes. 

Tiny Gnome Luck Charms - Nichola Battilana

What better use of these little Turrets than to turn them into the tiniest luck shrines?!

Tiny Gnome Luck Charms - Nichola Battilana

With the tinest little gnomes added for extra luck I'm sure that I'll (mostly) avoid trouble from now on.

Tiny Gnome Luck Charms - Nichola Battilana

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Day 10 - Vintage Image Shaker Ornaments

This month the Alpha Stamps is offering Round Layered Ornaments Kits. They are pretty dang cute. I've actually done two* versions of these (you'll see the second batch next week). 

*Maybe even three if I get my act together.

But on to the ones that I've actually finished and am ready to show off today!

Pretty cute, no?! If you had told me a few years ago I'd be all about the glittery pipe cleaners (and yes, they will forever be pipe cleaners to me) I would have told you, you were nuts... but here we are all glittery and pipecleanerish!

Not only do these sweeties shake and make a lovely noise, are two sided to boot!

I'm smitten!

And here's all the goodies to make your own...

Round Chipboard Ornament Layers Sets
Snowy Winter Day Ornaments Collage Sheet
Silver Snowflake Charm Set
Winter Snow Glitter Mix
Round Ornaments Ribbon Set

Friday, December 09, 2016

Day 9 - A Winter Cottage

Look at the glistening snow! Aww, it's all melted now, but I've got all my fingers and toes crossed that it will return soon and that we'll have a proper white Christmas this year.

This itty bitty was made (mostly) with the  Chipboard House Ornament Kit from last month.

The house itself measures just 2-3/4" tall, 2-1/2". It's itty!

My favourite part of this little doodad is the tuft of raw wool smoke coming out of the chimney. Can't you just smell the wood fire?!

Hope you're dandy. Big love to you.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Day 8 - Walnut Sailing Ships

Despite not being a water-loving sea monster, I do have a thing for pirate ships and nautical adventure. AHOY! And all that jazz.

Walnut Sailing Ship - Nichola Battilana

I'm pleased as punch with these little walnut ships. They're kind of adorable and remind me of THIS Christmas song.

Walnut Sailing Ship - Nichola Battilana

They were super simple to make too. Just a walnut shell, 1/8" dowel, paper and trim. Easy peasy!

Walnut Sailing Ship - Nichola Battilana

There's a little snowy glitter too. I can't help myself.

Walnut Sailing Ship - Nichola Battilana

Hope your having a lovely day. I'm thinking of you.


Wednesday, December 07, 2016


As far as I am concerned, there are two types of people in this world: those who loathe glitter and those who want to bathe in it.

I've made some sparkly, glittery, shiny, smelly, rose-budded bubble bath for the latter.

If you see someone with red sparkle, you'll know they were on my Christmas list.

P.S. These remind me of the year I had $36 to spend on all of my Christmas gifts. If memory serves, most of that was spent on toiletries that were rationed and prettily re-packaged. It stinks not having money, but it is painful not having money during the holidays. If your holiday funds are tight, I'm sorry. I know exactly what that's like. You'll get through. Everything will be ok. I promise.