Friday, March 25, 2022
Fast and Fancy Fairy Earrings
Wednesday, January 05, 2022
Art Walk Alchemy 2022 Winner!
If you'd like to join the fun, you can sign up for a fun-filled year of creativity HERE.
Saturday, January 01, 2022
Art Walk Alchemy Giveaway 2022
Even though the winter holiday is almost over, I have one gift left to give! I am giving away one seat to Art Walk Alchemy 2022.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Happy Halloween with Bonus Pocket Cryptid Content
How long has it been since I shared a tutorial or download? For-flipping-ever, that's how long!
I wanted to make a little something for Halloween and came up with these little cryptid matchboxes.
Thursday, October 07, 2021
Miniature Candle Eye Candy
How are you? You doing ok? Holding up? I've missed you!
Yeah, I know. I've been absent. Don't worry, I've been ok. Just haven't felt much like making or interacting with the world very much. Know what I mean?
However, the past couple of weeks I've been smacked upside the head with the productivity fairy (totally real thing) and have been making a literal shit ton of miniature spell and saintly candles.
I spent wayyyy too long designing packaging for these but it felt pretty darn good to put my Cricut to use and I totally think the time/effort was worth it.
There's something seriously satisfying about seeing the a whole bunch of these all gathered up together.
There are sets of 9 Saint and 9 Spell candles listed on etsy right now. They're really, really flipping cool. if I do say so myself. The individual candles will be listed next week after I give my eyes a break... and holy cow, do they need the rest.
Thursday, July 01, 2021
Palmistry Hand
I mean come on... how cool??!!!
As soon as I saw this project I kind of wanted to make 100's of palmisty hands, but I restrained myself (shock of shocks) and only bought a pair to paint. This is the first one I finished and I can't wait to add it to my collection of palmistry hands and phrenology heads.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Lemonade and Tarot Freebies
I started to work on a layout and it occurred to me that some printable worksheets would be super freaking handy. And then I got carried away (as you do) and made 4 separate sheets.