Sunday, July 11, 2010

A visitor in the clothespeg bin

I adore our new home. The air is fresh and the views are stunning. The night sky is filled with gorgeous stars that actually twinkle. Birds sing to us all day long. It's a dream land. I just thank my lucky stars every day that bugs don't creep me out because they are everywhere, and they are huge. If I was, in any way leery of the creepy crawlies I'd be in serious trouble here.

This morning, as I was hanging laundry to dry, I found this fine fellow at the bottom of my clothes peg bin.

He was such a strapping thing that initially I thought it was a plastic bug my kiddo had misplaced. Nope. The legs gave a bit of a wiggle and I knew he was the real deal. I felt sort of bed for the guy, he was pretty sluggish and looked a little 'dented'.
After a few photos we returned him to the wild. It was a pretty exciting few moments for a seven year old boy... okay, I admit that I thought it was pretty cool too.

P.S. So, I guess this guy is a member of the scarab family. He likely lives in a hollow of one of the old trees that we have on the grounds. Apparently you can keep them as pets! If I find another maybe we'll feed it lovely things for a while before sending him back out to fend for himself.

Ta da!!!!

Phew! It's not 100% but I figured it was close enough to upload.

Yes, I have FINALLY updated my web site.

Go ahead, snoop around!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

More small things

HO. LEE. SMOKES. I've been working like a crazy cat lady trying to update the Knickertwist's website. It's coming along but it's also taking ages upon ages.

I've been photographing little things to freshen up the place... gosh I'm lovin' small things at the moment.

Seriously, what the heck did I do before my digital camera? It wasn't that long ago that I was still putting film in a camera. When I think of all the $$$ I spent on film processing...

My kiddo was horrified when he saw me photographing that wee eggshell. He found it upon the lawn the other day (that lovely blue sticking out against the green green grass). Anyway, he was sure that I was going to claim it for my crafting stash. I guess he's had one too many marbles go missing for the sake of art :)

Monday, July 05, 2010

Tiny Books Left to be Found

So I've spent the last couple of days making 9 new tiny faerie journals. These ones I will leave around my little town for strangers to find and scratch their heads over. The only thing left is to make "Read Me" tags and hide the wee things.

Each of them has the same little rhyme inside, and the same elements, but all are slightly different in their design. None are signed or have any contact information on them... the giant K on the front page is the only clue to it's maker and no one will decipher that ;)

Friday, July 02, 2010

Fingers crossed

Last night, while putting the wee fella to bed, we were talking about crossed fingers. He had asked me if I had ever made a promise that I didn't keep and I replied, "Yes, but my fingers were crossed so it didn't count."

That certainly got his attention.

My 7 year old said that crossed fingers were for making good things come true, as in hoping for something and good luck, as in 'keep your fingers crossed'. He was totally unaware that fingers crossed behind your back meant an untrue promise.

The next 15 minutes were spent making fake promises with our fingers crossed. "Tomorrow I promise to give you ten dollars!" followed by a fit of giggles.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

More Teeny Weeny Stuff

I've been on a bit of a faerie kick lately. Here are a few pics of my latest thing-a-ma-bobs, wee Handmade Faerie Altered Journals.

They each measure about 1.75" x 2.25".

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An "Awesome" Craft

I signed myself up for the "Be Awesome" swap on craftster. The guideline? Just craft one awesome thing for your partner.

I was pretty stumped as to what to make until my partner sent me a message suggesting that I might make something that would provide magical inspiration. I sat myself down and made a list of things that inspire me and soon realized how many ordinary, everyday things were on that list. So, in the end I sent a wee magical house filled with everyday inspirations like ladybugs, stars and Popsicle sticks.



My partner is away for a few days but her package should be waiting for her when she arrives home. I'm so excited for her to get it. I'm really proud of this wee house and I hope she loves it to bits :)

P.S. For the curious, I did not make the house from scratch. It is a kit, the kind that you buy from a craft shop, that simply snaps together. It was great fun and I totally recommend giving it a try, once you get to the decorating it completely sucks you in.