Thursday, September 10, 2009

Season's Greetings

Despite the fact that I have a zillion other things to finish I started a new project today. I'm thinking of turning these fine ladies into greeting cards. Yuletide Fairy goodness? Halloweeny Curse Cards? Who knows... I just love these old gals.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Healthy eating = Bad parenting

This is my awesome kidlet. Seriously, he's the best kiddo in the whole wide world. I do my best to do right by him and to give him a good life. Going into work and leaving him with sitters was pretty damned hard. Being given the opportunity to work from home and be here when he gets home from school is a dream come true.

Being home also means good cooking. We're cutting out the junk (most of it anyway) and eating lovely home cooked meals. I'm all about keeping my fellas well fed and healthy.

Today, I decided to run into town, take care of a few errands and buy some veggies and salad for dinner. Gotta eat your vegetables after all. When I got home there was a message on the phone saying that D had been stung... twice! Dear lord! Thank the heavens that the Mr. picked him up.

I called them up right away and the kiddo was fine and dandy (though a bit grumpy) with his daddy at work. Phew. Then I find out that my dear husband had to buy the wee fella lunch because the pear and jam wrap I made for him turned to mush and tasted like poop. *Mental note: do not attempt the inventive food combinations from a 6 year old mind*

So today I'm feeling like a fairly crappy mom and I'm blaming it all on healthy eating. I'm never leaving the house during school hours again. If I didn't go out to buy that damned salad I'm sure that none of this would have happened.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

A productive day

It's strange to be alone. I'm used to going to an office, being with my kiddo, walking around my old, large hometown city, seeing and speaking with people every day. Now that I'm working from home and D is off to school for a full day, I have the house to myself for the first time in eons. I seriously don't remember when I've had so much time alone. It's a much different life, but it's awfully nice. If I didn't like shopping so much, it would be easy to become one of those people who never leave the house.

All this alone time means that between work and laundry I can actually craft during daylight hours! Today was a fairly productive crafting day. I've managed to get my 'Birds, birds, birds' Swap package done. Here's some of the pretties in the package...

I'm pretty pleased with the stuff I've made. I'm actually feeling rather inspired after all this making... I very well may stay up into the wee hours of the morning making more :)

Monday, September 07, 2009

The last days of summer...

I've always thought of the Labour Day weekend as the end of summer. I know the end really isn't until the equinox but there is something final about Labour Day.

It's been a beautiful weekend (and quiet too... ) and we've hosted our fist house guest. My mother came up for a few days and despite the boxes still littering the hallways and other moving leftovers, it was a pretty nice time for all. Quiet and relaxing... ah, just as things should be.

With all the peace and quiet I've managed to squeeze in some proper baking and cooking.
Quiche with broccoli and panchetta...
Nectarine crumble cake...
And today... the MUCH anticipated gnocchi

I can't eat store bought gnocchi but these home made goodies are a different story. There is simply no comparison.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Setting off fire alarms and other good things.

I set off the fire alarm in the new house. It's sort of good because I was beginning to wonder if they actually worked. In the old house a steamy shower or toast for breakfast would set the buggers off. This time it was a smoky cauldron of incense. The previous owners had a security system installed so besides the piercing alarm sound a voice says "Fire, fire! There is smoke in the house!" It scared the hell out of me :)

Besides setting off alarms I've been stripping wall paper, unpacking, cleaning and doing dishes and laundry. It's still slow going but at least it's going...

I have been crafting too. I just can't show most of what I've been doing just yet. Here is something I can show though... just finished it this morning.

Totally inspired by Phizzy's Altered Jigsaw Puzzle.

It was a lot a lot harder than I expected. Those curves and funny spaces make for a difficult canvas. It was also a pain to trim the excess paper in those curves and bumps. So happy I chose a puzzle with larger pieces. I'm glad I did it though and might even do another one with a theme.

Interested in making your own? Here's the link to the craftster Altered Puzzle-along

Friday, August 28, 2009

WWE and crafting madness

We're heading back to the big city for a quick visit. D has one last soccer game and a pizza party tomorrow so we're making the drive and doing some visiting before school starts up (is summer over already?).

This morning the kiddo and I made an entry way for his wrestlers. He's mental for wrestling... it's non-stop wrestling all day every day so I figured I'd lure him to the crafty darkside with a little wwe. It was also a nice way to use up one of the many, many moving boxes that is littering my house. We're also going to try to make them a backstage gym area once this baby is complete.

That's my action figure entering the ring. My dear son bought me Triple H for my b-day this year. I asked for a book.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pay it forward brother...

People are different out here. Don't get me wrong, one of the things I liked about the big city we moved from was the people. For the most part people in our old home town were pretty nice... out here it's a whole different ball game.

Last week it took the Mr. three evenings to mow our lawn. We quickly realized that we'd need to get ourselves a lawn tractor. Off to town we went and bought a shiny red chopper... that wouldn't fit in the trailer. Ug! After only a minute or two a fella in a pick-up truck kindly offered his assistance. His kiddo sat in the truck and didn't complain about the wait. He made small talk and was kind as can be. When we said our thanks he said "Pay it forward brother..." and drove off.

Today we got a huge box of fresh veggies from the Thai workers who work in the vineyard. Lettuce, eggplants, onions, corn, melon, cucumbers. Just look at the beautiful veggies they gave us...

They've also been kind enough to give us some fresh eggs from the chickens they keep. Every time the Mr. tries to give them a few bucks for the goodies they refuse it.

I've had iced tea at my neighbours house, been to a pig roast hosted by near strangers and met many lovely, genuinely friendly people all over the county. It's sort of sad that all this goodwill is kinda difficult to get used to.

Ah well.

In other news...

- we saw a woodpecker eating the termites in one of our apple trees
- a ground hog was snooping around our back lawn this evening
- I've actually done a fair bit of crafting today
- made a batch of peanut butter cookies
- I checked the pork, spinach and fennel terrine I made 2 days ago and it didn't cook! What a pisser!