Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pee-wee Love

There is a new Pee-wee's Playhouse show running in LA and I wish I could call upon Jambi to fly me down to see the great Mr. Herman live and in person. It's not an exaggeration to say that Paul Reubens, the mastermind behind Pee-wee, is one of the most influential people in my life.

The Pee-wee character, the Playhouse world, the movies, were a huge part of my youth. I remember playing spin the bottle after watching the original "The Pee-wee Herman Show". I got to see "Big Top Pee-wee" on the big screen at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Perhaps most importantly, as a poor weird kid, living in a house with no phone, surrounded by abuse and alcohol, "Pee-wee's Playhouse" was a sweet and silly, candy coloured escape from my reality. Into adulthood Pee-wee continued to see me through life's difficulties including grief after loss.

Pee-wee has never failed to instill at least a small glimmer of delight, even in the darkest of circumstances. The whole Pee-wee world is like all the best and happiest things you can imagine rolled into a lovely sparkly ball of glee. It's what I've come to strive to for. Aspiring for a perfectly positive, wonderfully silly life is a pretty nice dream to have.

I'm totally tickled Paul Reubens (who is all around awesome in so many ways) is bringing Pee-wee back. I can not believe that I've never done any Pee-wee crafting! Soooo, next week I'm devoting some quality time to creating fantastical Pee-wee inspired thing-a-ma-bobs and hopefully make my own big sparkly ball of glee a little bigger in the process.

Official Website for Pee-wee's Playhouse and Pee-wee Herman

Valentine Magic

The current challenge on the craftster papercraft board is to create a Valentine Matchbox Shrine that includes a surprise. I've just finished my entry, here's a sneak peek.

It measures 1.5" x 2" x .5" (not including the dangly bits)
Inside are a few bits for love magic: love powder, cinnamon sticks, comfry root, a rose bud, a lemon verbena leaf and a secret love note.
The surprise? The love note is written in lemon juice so the message can't be read unless you hold it to a flame.
The actual note says something a little different and is safely stowed away in the shrine :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hurrah for mail!

The mail brought with it my latest photo purchases today.

When you're looking for photos you'll find that pretty ladies doing sweet things, detailed dresses and cute little girls will fetch higher prices. These three wee boys, the young gentleman, and two fantastic old biddies cost me a whopping $8... including shipping.

The women are truly awesome. I felt sorry for the boys because no one had bid on the poor things so I tossed my pennies in. If you decided to buy your own pics you may find that the images are a bit worn, scratched or stained but for me nothing beats saving an old ghost in the name of craftiness.

Also today... it blows me away how the goddess'/gods manage to provide me with exactly what I need. Something seemingly impossible to obtain landing directly on my doorstep. *sigh* I love that :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Faeries and Godmothers

I've been so inspired by other people's work lately that I thought I should do my part to encourage the flow of creativity juice. Here's a few fine ladies just begging to be included in a collage, to be turned into magical Godmothers or to be donned with wings and made into Faeries.

I only ask that you refrain from being a cheeky bugger. Don't sell them or profit from them, don't include them in collage sheets/CD's, and don't take them and post them on your own site. I'm not asking for credit or even a link... I'm just asking that you use them to make something!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Bumble Bee Shrine

This is one of two projects that I've had on the go this past week. It's a wee shrine to Bumble Bee's and the colour yellow. While I do love beeswax, and I appreciate the importance of bees, I have to admit that I don't have a deep rooted fascination with them... I'm sort of scared to death when one comes anywhere near me. I also don't really care for the colour yellow. Hmmm... truth be told I'm not exactly sure what brought on the sudden desire to make a 'Bee themed' anything :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

And still more inchies!

I actually have a number of things on the go at the moment but they are all in awkward stages of creation and not very pretty just yet so I'm afraid you're stuck looking at more inchies today :)

Inches are proving to be a welcome distraction between waiting for paint to dry on one project while glue sets on another. They are also a really great way to experiment and try new techniques. After oogling the lovely waxed ATC's by AlwaysInspired I decided to try my hand at waxing some inchies. Here are some of my favourites of the bunch.

Monday, January 11, 2010

More inchies!

Oookay... I'm still making inchies :) Here are some shabby chic fabric ones I've been working on.

I basically took a length of pink scrap fabric, sewed some bits of other pink and white fabric and ribbons to it, experimented with different stitches on my sewing machine and then chopped the whole thing into 1" squares and added glitter, buttons and other wee things.

I don't often manage to make things that are sweet and homey but I do love these little bits. They are kind of what I'm like if you dig deep down inside :)

On the witchy front I've been spending the new year cleaning and clearing my home, making the way clear for good things to come.