A few years ago I made a series of Secret Garden themed Altoid tins. I revisited that project last week.

The Secret Garden tins have had loads and loads of tutorial requests since they were first posted. I've always been reluctant to attempt an instructional guide because of the size of the project. It's got a lot of parts, there's drying, and waiting, and fiddly bits. They all come together to make something rather nice, but writing a tutorial for a project that needs to be done over a few days always seemed rather daunting.
I set my mind to it however, and I made a tute.
It's a big one.
Four jam packed pages of instruction. I am literally attempting to reduce the whopping file size as I type this entry because etsy is telling me it's too flipping big.
These tins are only ever so slightly different than the original set. The handmade robin has been replaced with paper butterflies. The door hardware on my sample is a little fancier than that on the first. But I think they're just as cheery.
If you're interested in making your own tin, the tutorial is available on etsy HERE.
If you're curious what you'll need to make these sweet wee things here is the recommended supply list:
• Altoids style tin (flat/not embossed lid)
• thick card (think cereal box)
• wooden sticks
• egg carton
• drywall compound
• mod podge/sealer/top coat
• old book pages
• bits for door hardware (my sample uses THESE)
• faux flowers, leaves, moss (lots of texture is nice)
• hot glue & white glue
• acrylic paint
• chalk pastels
• green paper
• tape
• permanent marker
• star or leaf punch
• stylus or other pokey tool (you could use a pen in a pinch)
• disposable piping bag
“It made her think that it was curious how much nicer a person looked when he smiled. She had not thought of it before.”
― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
I hope you're having a smiley day.