Monday, January 04, 2010

Let the making begin! 2010 edition.

It's 4 days into 2010 and I've been hard at work making stuff. I've started to crochet a throw (which I kinda wish I hadn't made so large) that I've made some nice progress on and I'm itching to try my hand at some inchies.

I've also managed to finish up something that has been waiting for ages to be completed. I promised a Crone doll to a fellow witchy gal quite a while back and I've finally gotten around to getting her gussied up. She's a Hoodoo Crone Doll and measures about 8.5" tall

A close up of her goodies. Mojo bags with a tooth and shell, a black heart, a bottle of magic, a bone and other bits of goodness :)

Monday, December 28, 2009

How much actually got done?

Last year I made a list of 50 things I wanted to do/make through 2009. Let's see how I did...

3. Luchador Series DONE!
4. Fairy Godmother Book DONE!
5. Clock DONE!
6. Knit something for D DONE!
8. Knit a sweater DONE!
9. Finish Quilt DONE
11. 'Gypsy' Quilt Block for charity DONE!
12. Finish Shrunken Heads DONE!
16. Create a coven of witches DONE!
22. Finish the black shrine on the go DONE!
23. Create a large shrine for the house DONE!
29. Make D's Halloween costume DONE
35. Photo's for hallway DONE!
36. Finish painting walls/ceiling that are sitting half done DONE!
37. Create an experiment with colour DONE!
40. Make Fruitcake for x-mas DONE! (sort of)
42. Make something teeny weeny DONE!
46. Crochet something other than a grannie square DONE!

18 things done from the list. Not too bad considering that we unexpectedly moved 150 miles this year. Besides there were loads of other things not on the list that were also done.
Some things that will remain on this years list...

Paint portrait of hubby's grannie
Portrait of Blackadder
Do something with the zillion glass xmas balls that are in my stash
Create a "Sin Eater"
Knit a Dr. Who scarf
Try to cook something new once a week
Create a giant collage of D's drawings and school work
Make t's for Paul
Tree Man Box
Make a family cookbook

Some new goals...

Bust my craft stash!
Host fab dinner party
Redo our bedroom
Space up D's room
Craft up the kitchen
Finish 'houses'
'Wine' Shrine
'Hoodoo' Witch
Deck of Cards
Greeting Card Set
Fairy Godmother Book
More jewellry!
More paper crafts!

Ideally I'd like to have something, something I'm chuffed with, to show for each week.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Ho! Ho! Ho!

I have a personal Christmas tradition. Every year the Mr goes to bed and I spend a couple of hours alone watching White Christmas. Bing always gets me in the mood for Christmas and dreaming of fat white snowflakes. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen that movie the scene with the general at the end... "we'll follow the old man..." always gets me. Who am I kidding? I love the whole thing :)

This year, I was just getting ready to pop in the old flick when I heard a noise in the other room. I went to investigate and what did I see? Santa! Quick as can be he snarfed down the homemade goodies that the big D had left for him. I couldn't believe my eyes! I must have looked rather gobsmacked because he took one look at my face and laughed a very quiet HO! HO! HO! In no time at all he had the presents in place and the stockings stuffed. He even gave me a wink and a bit of a cheeky smile before he flew back up the chimney.

I don't know how he does it but I know that Santa is real and I will always be a believer :)

Merry Christmas and Yuletide Blessings to you all!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yuletide Blessings

Yule was all sorts of awesome when we picked up a swap package sent by the fabulous AlwaysInspired. Check out the loot!

A paper cemetery!

The coolest Monster Mittens ever.

A sweet Marie Laveau primitive dolly. She's absolutely glorious and I'm totally in love with her and her wee mojo and wanga.

Last but not least the most wonderful "Home Sweet Home" embroidery/watercolour ever! It's really and truly spectacular.

I've been a bit out of sorts lately... so much so that I had to take a week off on stress leave... and this package really cheered me up. I love every bit of it. AlwaysInspired's package has put mine to shame and for that I'm grateful and will exact sweet revenge upon her some how... some day :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I cannot believe that another year has passed and that I am still in the same boat I'm in every other year... last minute Christmas panic.

Today was a hard one because both the fellas were sick. The little one was up puking last night and the big one was asleep on the couch for most of the day. It's crunch time! There should be no sickness during the week leading up to 'the day'.

The wee fella, despite feeling cruddy, was in a rather crafty mood today so we did get some stuff accomplished. Rooting around my craft stash he came across some herbs and oils so we tossed them together to make a batch of pot pourri and tub tea! D even helped design the labels.

It's not often that my kiddo wants anything to do with making so it was a sort of Solstice miracle that he was the one pushing to do the crafting. Fingers crossed it lasts the week!

Friday, December 04, 2009

More craftin'

The noise issue continues... but so does the crafting!

I was organizing a Fairy Godmother Swap on craftster and swiped up the fantactulous Phizzychick for my partner. (NO PEEKING PHIZZY! THIS MEANS YOU! GO AWAY! AVERT YOUR EYES NOW!!!!)

When I packaged everything up the whole thing weighed about 2.5 kg and shipping was going to cost a whopping $90!!! WHA?!?!? Anywho, I took the package apart and sent in two parts instead which brought me down to less than half that, thanks be to the postal gods.

On to the goodies...

A Fairy Godmother Cupboard! It started life as a tacky thing found at the thrift shop for $5

Now it's home to a Star Duster...

... and an Official Fairy Godmother Wand

Here she is ready to be filled with goodies.

Some magic beans and buttons...

A Ball of Christmas Magic...

And Bottled Moonbeams too...

Lastly, what every Fairy Godmother needs... an Organization Kit which includes, slippers, a calendar, chocolate, a flask w/cozy and a tin of distractions.

Hopefully it doesn't take months to arrive and gets there safely. The shipping is always the most nerve wrecking part of swapping :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Back to craftin'

Resolving our noise problem has sort of become a full time job for me and it's seriously cutting into my making time. Thankfully it's been fairly quiet around here for almost a week so I've taken the week off from complaining to get the creative juices flowing again.

Tiny things are so much fun to look at but totally finicky to make. With my little sausage fingers and tendency to be quite clumsy I'm surprised this guy turned out at all.

He measures just under 3" tall. His head is a carved bone bead, his legs are twigs, the left arm is a milagro, the right is a charm pin, his body is a small block of wood and all those gears are miscellaneous watch parts.

I think I may make a few more of these fellas... if I can get the knack of making them balanced so they don't fall over all the time.