Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Boy Scouts

We've been thinking a lot about having the little one enrolled in Boy Scouts. It's a real conundrum.

There's the whole 'gay scout troop leader' thing from a few years back. The Knickertwist's have a few gay friends and we just don't get all the hubbub. What does it matter what people do in their own bedrooms so long as no one is getting hurt? I care about what my gay friends do sexually as much as my straight friends... very little. One thing I do care about is the treatment of all of those that I call "friend". Should we just forget that incident or should we remain wary of an organization that showed intolerance?

Then there is the oath...
"On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight."
On the scouting site it says that a scout should respect the beliefs of others but I'm still a bit leery about the 'duty to God' and 'morally straight' bits. What about the Goddess'? and using the term "Gods" instead of God? and what do they mean by 'morally straight'? Whose morals? Perhaps I'm making a bigger deal out of this than is necessary but we care about our beliefs and in no way want the wee one to feel that what we believe is wrong or bad. We also don't want to compromise and perhaps confuse the kiddo. We want him to be as proud of his path as we are.

That said, the scouts promote being a good person, kindness and healthy living.

Any fellow pagans with kids in this organization out there? I'd consider Spiral Scouts but I don't think that there is a circle near us.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year

I've been away for a wee bit so here is a recap of my holidays... Christmas was great, new year's was dull and I've been sick for three weeks.

I hate being sick. I know what I need is rest and sleep and to stay away from the healthy people in my life but lets face it, I can't very well take three weeks off. Dishes need to be done. Laundry laundered. Life goes on even if I don't feel up to participating in it for the time being.

I took a bath today using one of my tub teabags and I have to say that I felt like a million bucks afterwards. I was so achy and didn't want to move a muscle when I hopped in but when I got out I actually managed to hobble downstairs to make Mr K's bday cake for tomorrow. I'm still feeling ok and hope that my drugs kick in and I manage to sleep well and get off to work tomorrow.

Because I've been a bit icky and sickly I did what always cheers me up (and keeps me still for a few hours).... tossed in a DVD. My most favouritest things at the mo' are Corner Gas and Little Britain. The humour on Corner Gas is so sweet and nice and it makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it. Little Britain is sketch comedy by a pair of British lads. It's a bit crude, and shocking at times but it's oh so funny. I swear I'm madly in love with David Walliams... how can I resist a tall drink of water that can make me snort with laughter. All I want to do is walk around saying "but I'm a lay-dee" even if it doesn't have the same effect because... well... I am in fact a lady.

I have no idea where this blog entry is headed. I think that my drugs have taken effect and I've gone a bit loopy between the neocitron and the brandy. Perhaps I should be off to bed.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Santa's Coming!

Hurrah! It's snowing outside, lovely crunchy snowball making type snow, and I am very excited. It seems like ages since we had a wonderfully white Christmas.

My co-worker thinks that it's hysterical that someone who is proudly pagan gets so overly excited about all things Christmas. Being pagan doesn't mean that we have to exlude all the Christmassy goodness just because we aren't Christians or aren't celebrating the birth of Jesus. The parties, gift-giving, cookie making, Santa, old Christmas movies, feasting... I can't get enough of it. We celebrate Yule but that does not mean that we can't fit in the Christmas hubbub too. Our beliefs and practices are something that we share as a family in our home. We create a Yule log from a cutting from our Christmas tree, we have a feast to celebrate the coming of the light. It's nice to have beliefs that are important to us and the freedom to celebrate them. Christmas is about the spirit of the season and not about what god or gods people believe in. It's a time to show your joy and your love for family and friends, no matter what their beliefs.

I think I'll go home early and make a snow goddess :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Being the craft enthusiast that I am I usually make a few gifts around the holiday season. My goal this year is to make almost all of the gifts that I am giving and those that I do not craft myself I'm doing my darnest to buy handmade.
Here is some of what I have made so far...
I'm really excited about making everyone on my list something that they will truly like. I know that there will be people who will be disappointed that they are not getting store bought (like my 9 year old cousin who when asked what his hobbies and collections were said "money") but I decided after last Christmas that I am the giver and that means I get to pick what gets given. Those people who are disappointed wouldn't be happy with what I bought them anyway. At least if I craft my Yuletide gifts then it means something to me.
Still have quite a few items on my list but I feel like I have made a nice little dent in the crafting department. When it's all done (hopefully around December 1st) I will take new/better pics of my beautious mound of glorious handmade goodies.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ah the good ole' days

Ah, I used to paint loads of these little eggs. The idea came to me when I was really into fertility magick and I just loved making them. People seemed really pleased with them too. I had quite a few custom orders for these wee things. Here is one of the last ones I painted, and one of my favourites.

This fella is listed on my esty site if your interested in horney naked guys :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nifty Linkage

My friend sent me this link yesterday. I'm generally not a big photography fan but these photos are so well done and imaginative. I think that they really embrace what childhood play should be. It's wonderfully low tech and dreamy.

Click here
to see the beautiful work of Jan Von Holleben

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ho hum

We weren't as successful at the Craft Fair as I had hoped. We still sold a few things and that is better than a kick in the head. I was really surprised how freaked out some people were about my Spirit Dolls. Sometimes I forget that people have different tastes and see things differently. I certainly find beauty in places that others might not. I really should know better. My family members are often weirded out by some of the things I think are nifty. Ha! My granny is always saying how much talent I have and what a shame it is that I don't make "nice" things. Although she also thought that my paintings were copies of someones elses originals and was shocked to learn that they come from my own apparently twisted little mind.

Anywho, I've opened up an etsy shop since I'm building up quite the collection of crafted goods. It seems like it may be a nice fit for the types of things I've been working on lately. Ebay was good fun for a while but the fees are a killer and the sellers, unfortunately, are not as supportive of each other as you'd hope. We've never bad mouthed other sellers or their wares. We figure that different people have different ways of doing things and that buyers should decide for themselves. It always makes me giggle a bit when I see people selling magickal herbs and saying "These are not ordinary culinary herbs". Aren't those just as important in magick making? I certainly consider rosemary and basil as two of the most versitile and potent herbs in my witches cupboard. Also the whole "these have been blessed by our high preistess..." gets me too. I don't want other peoples magick getting in the way of my own work. Ah well, as I said, we all have our preferences and I'm sure those things are important to someone.