While I am usually all about tiny floral elements, it's the fake plaster details that are my favourite this time around. Can you guess what they are made from? Hot glue!
Normally I'd make these elements with Creative Paperclay but I was feeling impatient. Some leafy silicone molds, hot glue, layers of gesso and white paint, and voila! Held side by side with resin, you can't tell the difference, and adding additional layers of gesso and paint softens the details and makes it look quite like plaster.

AND because I love you (and Leslie asked so nicely) I've made a video of that technique HERE.
Just look at this plastic frame with 'faux plaster' leaf embellishments! I can't wait to see what you make with them :)
Supply round up:
Small Hinged TinSmall Altoids Tins Triptych Frame
Large Leaves Silicone Mold*
Multi-Sizes Leaves Silicone Mold*
Flower Soft - Sweet Pea
Mini Rose Buds - Red*
Pink Rose Garland* (leaves)
Small Round Silver-Plated Pendants (not shown, applied to back of shrine for hanging)
Hot glue!
Gesso and white acrylic craft paint
Hot glue!
Gesso and white acrylic craft paint